# initializing Q matrix Q = P = matrix(1/4,nrow=25,ncol=4) # # defining deterministic transition matrix north=c(2:25,25) north[ c(5,10,15,20,25)]=c(5,10,15,20,25) east=c(6:25,21:25) west=c(1:5,1:20) south=c(1,1:24) south[ c(1,6,11,16,21)]=c(1,6,11,16,21) trM=cbind(north,east,south,west) trM[10,]=6 trM[20,]=18 R=matrix(0,nrow=25,ncol=4) R[which(trM==1:25)]=-1 R[10,]=10 R[20,]=5 nRep=1000; gamma=0.9; P = 0.25 for (i_rep in 1:nRep) { Q.old = Q for (i_state in 1:25) { for (i_act in 1:4){ Q[i_state, i_act]=R[i_state, i_act]+gamma * P * sum(Q.old[trM[i_state,i_act]]) } } }
Monthly Archives: May 2019
2019年度 データ解析基礎論B W06
x.temp = 0:9 mass= matrix(dbinom(x.temp,9,0.5),nrow=1) colnames(mass) <- paste(0:9) barplot(mass) sum(dbinom(7:9,9,0.5)) 2*(0.5-pnorm(750,800,40)) pnorm(700,800,40) qnorm(c(0.025, 0.975),800,40) qnorm(0.99,800,40) zA=(165-150)/(sqrt(15^2/10)) 1-pnorm(zA) (1-pnorm(zA))*2 dat<-read.csv("http://www.matsuka.info/data_folder/datWA01.txt") mean.M <-mean(dat$h[dat$gender=="M"]) sigma = 10 n.M = length(dat$h[dat$gender=="M"]) z.value=(mean.M-171)/(sqrt(sigma)) ssize = c(24,25,26,23.5,25,27,24,22,27.5,28) ssize.mean = mean(ssize) ssize.var = var(ssize) N = 10 t.value=(ssize.mean-24)/(sqrt(ssize.var/N)) (1-pt(abs(t.value),df=9))*2 t.test(ssize, mu=24)
2019 データ解析基礎論A DAA04
dat<- read.csv("http://www.matsuka.info/data_folder/datWA01.txt") plot(dat$shoesize, dat$h, main="Relationship b/w shoesize and height", xlab = "shoesize", ylab="height", pch=19, col="red") txt = paste("r =", round(cor(dat$shoesize,dat$h), 4)) text(22, 175, txt, cex = 1.5) abline(h = mean(dat$h), col='blue'); abline(v = mean(dat$shoesize), col='darkgreen'); text(x = 21, y = mean(dat$h)+3, paste("mean height =", round(mean(dat$h),2)), col="blue",adj = 0) text(x = mean(dat$shoesize)+0.2, y = 145, paste("mean shoesize =", round(mean(dat$shoesize),2)), col="darkgreen",adj = 0) abline(lm(dat$h~dat$shoesize), lty=2, lwd=2) plot(dat[dat$gender=='F',]$shoesize, dat[dat$gender=='F',]$h, main="Relationship b/w shoesize and height", xlab='shoesize', ylab='height', cex.lab=1.5, pch=19, col='blue', xlim=c(20,29), ylim=c(140,190)) plot(dat[dat$gender=='M',]$shoesize, dat[dat$gender=='M',]$h, main="Relationship b/w shoesize and height", xlab='shoesize', ylab='height', cex.lab=1.5, pch=15, col='green', xlim=c(20,29), ylim=c(140,190)) plot(dat[dat$gender=='F',]$shoesize, dat[dat$gender=='F',]$h, main="Relationship b/w shoesize and height", xlab='shoesize', ylab='height', cex.lab=1.5, pch=19, col='blue', xlim=c(20,29), ylim=c(140,190)) points(dat[dat$gender=='M',]$shoesize,dat[dat$gender=='M',]$h, pch = 15, col = 'green') legend("topleft", c('Female','Male'), pch =c(19,15), col = c('blue','green'), cex = 1.5) dat<-read.csv("http://www.matsuka.info/data_folder/tdkReg01.csv") plot(dat, pch=20, col='blue') dat.pca<-read.table("http://www.matsuka.info/data_folder/tdkPCA01.txt") plot(dat.pca, pch = rownames(dat.pca), cex = 1.7, col = "blue") dat<-read.table("http://www.matsuka.info/data_folder/aov01.txt",header=T) summary(dat) dat.meter = dat[,1:2]*0.01 dat.h.ext5 = dat$h+5 hANDshoe = dat$h+dat$shoesize dat.h.meter.ext5 = dat$h*0.01+0.05
source("http://www.matsuka.info/univ/course_folder/cuUtil02.R") dat<-read.csv('http://www.matsuka.info/data_folder/tdkCFA.csv') dat.fa1 <- factanal(dat,1) dat.fa2 <- factanal(dat,2) dat.fa3 <- factanal(dat,3) dat.fa4 <- factanal(dat,4) install.packages('sem') library(sem) model01=cfa(reference.indicator=FALSE) F1:extrovert,cheerful, leadership, antisocial, talkative, motivated, hesitance, popularity mod1<-sem(model01, data = dat) model02=cfa(reference.indicator=FALSE) F1: extrovert, leadership, motivated, hesitance F2: cheerful, antisocial, talkative, popularity mod2<-sem(model02, data = dat)
強化学習 方策の比較1
# Qが最大のactionを選択 max.Q <- function(Q){ max.a = max(Q) max.idx = which(Q == max.a) if (length(max.idx)>1){ max.idx = sample(max.idx, 1) } return(max.idx) } # greedy方策 greedy <- function(n.trial, Q.star, N){ Q = Q.cum = count = rep(0, N) rew.earned = rep(0, n.trial) for (i.trial in 1:n.trial){ act.idx = max.Q(Q) r.t = rnorm(1, mean = Q.star[act.idx], sd = 1) Q.cum[act.idx] = Q.cum[act.idx] + r.t count[act.idx] = count[act.idx] + 1 Q[act.idx] = Q.cum[act.idx] / count[act.idx] rew.earned[i.trial] = r.t } return(list(Q = Q, rew.earned = rew.earned)) } # epsilon greedy方策 # epsilon = 0の場合はgreedy方策と同等 eps.greedy <- function(n.trial, Q.star, N, epsilon){ Q = Q.cum = count = rep(0, N) rew.earned = rep(0, n.trial) for (i.trial in 1:n.trial){ if (runif(1) < epsilon){ act.idx = sample(1:N, 1) } else { act.idx = max.Q(Q) } r.t = rnorm(1, mean = Q.star[act.idx], sd = 1) Q.cum[act.idx] = Q.cum[act.idx] + r.t count[act.idx] = count[act.idx] + 1 Q[act.idx] = Q.cum[act.idx] / count[act.idx] rew.earned[i.trial] = r.t } return(list(Q = Q, rew.earned = rew.earned)) } # n.rep回繰り返す関数 comp.eps.greedy <- function(n.trial, n.rep, N, epsilon){ rew.history = matrix(0, nrow = n.trial, ncol = n.rep) for (i.rep in 1:n.rep){ Q.star = rnorm(N, mean = 0, sd = 1); res = eps.greedy(n.trial, Q.star, N, epsilon) rew.history[ , i.rep] = res$rew.earned } return(rew.history) } # 実行 EG.000 = comp.eps.greedy(1000, 1000, 10, 0.000) EG.001 = comp.eps.greedy(1000, 1000, 10, 0.001) EG.010 = comp.eps.greedy(1000, 1000, 10, 0.010) EG.100 = comp.eps.greedy(1000, 1000, 10, 0.100) EG.150 = comp.eps.greedy(1000, 1000, 10, 0.150) # 結果の可視化 plot(rowMeans(EG.000), type="l", ylab="Average Reward", xlab="Trial", ylim = c(0,2)) lines(rowMeans(EG.001),col=2) lines(rowMeans(EG.010),col=3) lines(rowMeans(EG.100),col=4) lines(rowMeans(EG.150),col=5) legend("bottomright", c("epsilon = 0.000", "epsilon = 0.001", "epsilon = 0.010", "epsilon = 0.100", "epsilon = 0.150"), col=1:5,lwd=2 ) # softmax softmax <- function(n.trial, Q.star, N, tau){ Q = Q.cum = count = rep(0, N) rew.earned = rep(0, n.trial) for (i.trial in 1:n.trial){ p = exp(Q*tau)/sum(exp(Q*tau)) act.idx = sample(1:N, 1, prob = p) r.t = rnorm(1, mean = Q.star[act.idx], sd = 1) Q.cum[act.idx] = Q.cum[act.idx] + r.t count[act.idx] = count[act.idx] + 1 Q[act.idx] = Q.cum[act.idx] / count[act.idx] rew.earned[i.trial] = r.t } return(list(Q = Q, rew.earned = rew.earned)) } comp.softmax <- function(n.trial, n.rep, N, tau){ rew.history = matrix(0, nrow = n.trial, ncol = n.rep) for (i.rep in 1:n.rep){ Q.star = rnorm(N, mean = 0, sd = 1); res = softmax(n.trial, Q.star, N, tau) rew.history[ , i.rep] = res$rew.earned } return(rew.history) } # 実行 EG.000 = comp.eps.greedy(1000, 1000, 10, 0.000) EG.010 = comp.eps.greedy(1000, 1000, 10, 0.010) EG.100 = comp.eps.greedy(1000, 1000, 10, 0.100) SM.10 = comp.softmax(1000,1000,10,10) SM.03 = comp.softmax(1000,1000,10,3) # 結果の可視化 plot(rowMeans(EG.000), type="l", ylab="Average Reward", xlab="Trial", ylim = c(0,2)) lines(rowMeans(EG.010),col=2) lines(rowMeans(EG.100),col=3) lines(rowMeans(SM.10),col=4) lines(rowMeans(SM.03),col=5) legend("bottomright", c("epsilon = 0.000", "epsilon = 0.010", "epsilon = 0.100", "tau = 10", "tau = 3"), col=1:5,lwd=2 ) # epsilon greedy (2nd version) eps.greedy2 <- function(n.trial, Q.star, N, epsilon, lr, init.Q){ Q = rep(init.Q, N) rew.earned = rep(0, n.trial) for (i.trial in 1:n.trial){ if (runif(1) < epsilon){ act.idx = sample(1:N, 1) } else { act.idx = max.Q(Q) } r.t = rnorm(1, mean = Q.star[act.idx], sd = 1) Q[act.idx] = Q[act.idx] + lr*(r.t - Q[act.idx]) rew.earned[i.trial] = r.t } return(list(Q = Q, rew.earned = rew.earned)) }
2019データ解析基礎論A DAA03可視化2
v1 = seq(-3,3,0.1) v2 = v1^2 plot(v1, v2, col = "blue", type = "o", lty = 2, pch = 19, cex.lab = 1.5, lwd = 3, main = "Y=X*X", xlab = "X", ylab="X*X", xlim=c(-3.5,3.5), ylim=c(-0.5, 10)) # histogram dat<- read.csv("http://www.matsuka.info/data_folder/datWA01.txt") hist(dat$h) hist(dat$h, breaks = 20, main = "Histogram of Height", xlab = "Height", col = 'blue', xlim = c(140, 190)) dens<-density(dat$h); hist(dat$h, main = "Histogram of Height", xlab = "Height", xlim = c(140,190), probability = T) lines(dens, lwd = 2, col = "red", lty=2) plot(v1, v2, col = "blue", type = "l", pch = 19, cex.lab = 1.5, lwd = 3, xlab = "X", ylab="f(X)", xlim=c(-3.5,3.5), ylim=c(-0.5, 10)) lines(v1, v1^3, col='red',lwd = 3) legend("bottomright", c("x^2","x^3"), col=c('blue','red'), lwd=2) legend(-3,0.5, c("x^2","x^3"), col=c('blue','red'), lwd=2) boxplot(dat$h,main="Boxplot of Height", ylab="Height", col='cyan', ylim=c(140,190)) boxplot(dat$h,main="Boxplot of Height", xlab="Height", col="orange", horizontal=T) boxplot(dat$h ~ dat$gender, main="Distribution of Height by Gender", ylab="Gender", xlab="Height", col=c('blue','cyan'), ylim=c(140,190), horizontal=T) dat<-read.table("http://www.matsuka.info/data_folder/aov01.txt") boxplot(dat$h ~ dat$gender + dat$affil, main="Distribution of Height by Gender and Affiliation", ylab="Gender x Affiliation", xlab="Height", col=c('blue','cyan','red','magenta'), ylim=c(140,190),horizontal=T) interaction.plot(dat$gender, dat$affil, dat$h, pch=c(20,20), col=c("skyblue","orange"), xlab="gender", ylab="height", lwd=3,type='b',cex=2, trace.label="Affiliation") par(mfrow=c(1,2)) hist(dat[dat$gender=="F",]$h, main="Dist. of Height for Female Participants", xlab="Height", xlim=c(140,190), probability=T) dens.F = density(dat[dat$gender=='F',]$h) lines(dens.F, col='blue',lwd=2) #2つ目のhistogram hist(dat[dat$gender=="M",]$h, main="Dist. of Height for Male Participants", xlab="Height", xlim=c(140,190), probability=T,ylim=c(0,0.08)) dens.M = density(dat[dat$gender=='M',]$h) lines(dens.M, col='green', lwd=2) par(mfrow=c(1,1)) plot(dens.F,col='blue',lwd=2, ylab='density', xlim=c(140,190), main="Dist. of Height by gender",xlab='Height') lines(dens.M,col='green',lwd=2) legend("topleft", c('Female','Male'), col=c('blue','green'), cex=1.5,lwd=2) text(157.5, 0.04, 'Female', col='blue', cex=2) text(170, 0.04,'Male', col='green', cex=2) plot(dat$shoesize, dat$h, main="Relationship b/w shoesize and height", xlab = "shoesize", ylab="height", pch=19, col="red") txt = paste("r =", round(cor(dat$shoesize,dat$h), 3)) text(22, 175, txt, cex = 1.5) plot(dat[dat$gender=='F',]$shoesize, dat[dat$gender=='F',]$h, main="Relationship b/w shoesize and height", xlab='shoesize', ylab='height', cex.lab=1.5, pch=19, col='blue', xlim=c(20,29), ylim=c(140,190)) lines(dat[dat$gender=='M',]$shoesize,dat[dat$gender=='M',]$h, type = 'p', pch = 15, col = 'green') legend("topleft", c('Female','Male'), pch =c(19,15), col = c('blue','green'), cex = 1.5)