from IPython.core.pylabtools import figsize import numpy as np from matplotlib import pyplot as plt from os import makedirs from urllib.request import urlretrieve import pymc3 as pm import theano.tensor as tt from pymc3 import model_to_graphviz from pymc3 import forestplot ## analysis 1 P208 urlretrieve("", "data/z15N50.csv") data01 = np.loadtxt("data/z15N50.csv", skiprows=1) print(data01) with pm.Model() as model: theta = pm.Beta('theta', alpha = 1, beta = 1) obs = pm.Bernoulli('obs', theta, observed = data01) model_to_graphviz(model) with model: trace = pm.sample(10000) # checking results figsize(12.5, 4) pm.plots.traceplot(trace, var_names=["theta"]) pm.plots.plot_posterior(trace, var_names=["theta"]) pm.plots.autocorrplot(trace, var_names=["theta"]) # Analysis 2 p208 resp = [1,0,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,1,0,0,1,0] subj = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,1,1] from pymc3 import model_to_graphviz N_subj=2 with pm.Model() as model2: theta = pm.Beta('theta', alpha = 2, beta = 2, shape=N_subj) y = pm.Bernoulli('y', theta, observed=resp) diff_theta = pm.Deterministic('delta_theta', theta[0] - theta[1]) model_to_graphviz(model2) # mcmc sampling with model2: trace = pm.sample(10000) # viz & checking results pm.plots.traceplot(trace, var_names=["theta"]) pm.plots.plot_posterior(trace, var_names=["theta"]) pm.plots.plot_posterior(trace, var_names=["delta_theta"]) pm.plots.autocorrplot(trace, var_names=["theta"]) ### analysis 3 p240 N_subj = len(data.s.unique()) resp = data.y subj = data.s - 1 with pm.Model() as model3: omega = pm.Beta('omega',1,1) kappaM2 = pm.Gamma('kappaM2', 0.01, 0.01) kappa = pm.Deterministic('kappa', kappaM2 + 2) theta = pm.Beta('theta', alpha = omega*(kappa-2)+1, beta = (1-omega)*(kappa-2)+1, shape = N_subj) y = pm.Bernoulli('y', theta[subj], observed=resp) model_to_graphviz(model3) ### analysis 4 p253 N_player = len(data.Player.unique()) N_pos = 9 Ns = data.AtBats Zs = data.Hits subj = data.PlayerNumber - 1 pos = data.PriPosNumber - 1 with pm.Model() as model4: omegaO = pm.Beta('omegaO',1,1) kappaM2O = pm.Gamma('kappaM2', 0.01, 0.01) kappaO = pm.Deterministic('kappaO', kappaM2O + 2) omegaPOS = pm.Beta('omegaPOS', alpha = omegaO*(kappaO-2)+1, beta = (1-omegaO)*(kappaO-2)+1, shape = N_pos) kappaM2POS = pm.Gamma('kappaM2POS', 0.01, 0.01, shape = N_pos) kappaPOS = pm.Deterministic('kappaPOS', kappaM2POS + 2) theta = pm.Beta('theta', alpha = omegaPOS[pos]*(kappaPOS[pos]-2)+1, beta = (1-omegaPOS[pos])*(kappaPOS[pos]-2)+1, shape = N_player) y = pm.Binomial('y', n = Ns, p = theta, observed = Zs) model_to_graphviz(model4)
Category Archives: 院・情報解析
library(rjags) source("") dat<-read.csv("") library(plot3D) w = seq(80,360,length.out=100) h = seq(50, 75, length.out=100) M <- mesh(w,h) P.male = 1/(1+exp(-1*(0.018*M$x+0.7*M$y-50))) scatter3D(dat$weight, dat$height, dat$mal, pch = 19, cex = 2, theta = 30, phi = 45, ticktype = "detailed", zlim=c(-0.1,1),ylim=c(50,78),xlim=c(80,360), xlab = "weight", ylab = "height", zlab = "P(male)", surf = list(x = M$x, y = M$y, z = P.male,facets = NA)) y = dat$male; x = dat$weight; Ntotal = length(y) dataList = list(y = y, x = x, Ntotal = Ntotal) model.txt = " data { xm <- mean(x) xsd <- sd(x) for (i in 1:Ntotal){ zx[i] = (x[i] - xm)/xsd } } model { for ( i_data in 1:Ntotal ) { y[ i_data ] ~ dbern(ilogit( zbeta0 + zbeta * zx[i_data])) } zbeta0 ~ dnorm(0, 1/2^2) zbeta ~ dnorm(0, 1/2^2) beta <- zbeta / xsd beta0 <- zbeta0 - zbeta * xm/xsd }" writeLines(model.txt, "model1.txt") parameters = c( "beta0" , "beta") jagsModel = jags.model( "model1.txt", data=dataList, n.chains=3, n.adapt=500 ) update( jagsModel , n.iter=1000) codaSamples = coda.samples( jagsModel , variable.names=parameters, n.iter=10000, thin=5) mcmcMat<-as.matrix(codaSamples) plot(dat$weight,dat$male,xlim=c(90,280),yaxt="n",ylab="Male / Female", xlab="Weight", cex=2.5) axis(2,at = 0:1,labels=c("Femal","Male")) n2plot=100 idx=sample(1:nrow(mcmcMat),n2plot) temp.x = seq(90,280,length.out = 100) for (i_sample in 1:n2plot) { temp.y = 1/(1+exp(-1*(mcmcMat[idx[i_sample],2] + mcmcMat[idx[i_sample],1]*temp.x))) lines(temp.x, temp.y, col='orange', lwd=2) } x = cbind(dat$weight,dat$height);Nx = ncol(x) dataList = list(y = y, x = x, Ntotal = Ntotal, Nx = Nx) model.txt = " data { for (j in 1:Nx){ xm[j] <- mean(x[,j]) xsd[j] <- sd(x[,j]) for (i in 1:Ntotal){ zx[i,j] = (x[i,j] - xm[j])/xsd[j] } } } model { for ( i_data in 1:Ntotal ) { y[ i_data ] ~ dbern(ilogit( zbeta0 + sum(zbeta[1:Nx] * zx[i_data, 1:Nx ]))) } zbeta0 ~ dnorm(0, 1/2^2) for (j in 1:Nx){ zbeta[j] ~ dnorm(0, 1/2^2) } beta[1:Nx] <- zbeta[1:Nx] / xsd[1:Nx] beta0 <- zbeta0 -sum(zbeta[1:Nx] * xm[1:Nx]/xsd[1:Nx]) }" writeLines(model.txt, "model.txt") parameters = c( "beta0" , "beta") jagsModel = jags.model( "model.txt", data=dataList, n.chains=3, n.adapt=500 ) update( jagsModel , n.iter=1000) codaSamples = coda.samples( jagsModel , variable.names=parameters, n.iter=10000, thin=5) mcmcMat<-as.matrix(codaSamples) par(mfrow=c(1,3)) HDI.plot(mcmcMat[,3],xlabel='intercept') HDI.plot(mcmcMat[,1],xlabel='weight') HDI.plot(mcmcMat[,2],xlabel='height') par(mfrow=c(1,1)) plot(dat$weight,dat$height,xlab="Weight", ylab="Height", type="n") n2plot=100 idx=sample(1:nrow(mcmcMat),n2plot) for (i_sample in 1:n2plot) { abline(a=-1*mcmcMat[idx[i_sample],3]/mcmcMat[idx[i_sample],2], b=-1*mcmcMat[idx[i_sample],1]/mcmcMat[idx[i_sample],2],col="orange") } points(dat$weight,dat$height,pch=paste(dat$male), cex=1.5) # un-even data x = rnorm(300) pr = 1/(1+exp(2*x)) y = pr < runif(300) plot(x,y) = sample(which(y == 0),120) Ntotal = length(y[]) dataList = list(y = y[], x = x[], Ntotal = Ntotal) model.txt = " data { xm <- mean(x) xsd <- sd(x) for (i in 1:Ntotal){ zx[i] = (x[i] - xm)/xsd } } model { for ( i_data in 1:Ntotal ) { y[ i_data ] ~ dbern(ilogit( zbeta0 + zbeta * zx[i_data])) } zbeta0 ~ dnorm(0, 1/2^2) zbeta ~ dnorm(0, 1/2^2) beta <- zbeta / xsd beta0 <- zbeta0 - zbeta * xm/xsd }" writeLines(model.txt, "model1.txt") parameters = c( "beta0" , "beta") jagsModel = jags.model( "model1.txt", data=dataList, n.chains=3, n.adapt=500 ) update( jagsModel , n.iter=1000) codaSamples = coda.samples( jagsModel , variable.names=parameters, n.iter=10000, thin=5) mcmcMat<-as.matrix(codaSamples) plot(x[],y[],xlim=c(-3,3)) n2plot=100 idx=sample(1:nrow(mcmcMat),n2plot) temp.x = seq(-3,3,length.out = 100) for (i_sample in 1:n2plot) { temp.y = 1/(1+exp(-1*(mcmcMat[idx[i_sample],2] + mcmcMat[idx[i_sample],1]*temp.x))) lines(temp.x, temp.y, col='orange', lwd=2) } x1 = rnorm(150) x2 = x1*0.9+rnorm(150,0,0.5) pr = 1/(1+exp(x1+x2)) y = pr < runif(150) Ntotal = length(y) dataList = list(y = y, x = cbind(x1,x2), Ntotal = Ntotal, Nx = 2) model.txt = " data { for (j in 1:Nx){ xm[j] <- mean(x[,j]) xsd[j] <- sd(x[,j]) for (i in 1:Ntotal){ zx[i,j] = (x[i,j] - xm[j])/xsd[j] } } } model { for ( i_data in 1:Ntotal ) { y[ i_data ] ~ dbern(ilogit( zbeta0 + sum(zbeta[1:Nx] * zx[i_data, 1:Nx ]))) } zbeta0 ~ dnorm(0, 1/2^2) for (j in 1:Nx){ zbeta[j] ~ dnorm(0, 1/2^2) } beta[1:Nx] <- zbeta[1:Nx] / xsd[1:Nx] beta0 <- zbeta0 -sum(zbeta[1:Nx] * xm[1:Nx]/xsd[1:Nx]) }" writeLines(model.txt, "model.txt") parameters = c( "beta0" , "beta") jagsModel = jags.model( "model.txt", data=dataList, n.chains=3, n.adapt=500 ) update( jagsModel , n.iter=1000) codaSamples = coda.samples( jagsModel , variable.names=parameters, n.iter=10000, thin=5) mcmcMat<-as.matrix(codaSamples) plot(x1,x2,xlab="x1", ylab="x2", type="n") n2plot=100 idx=sample(1:nrow(mcmcMat),n2plot) for (i_sample in 1:n2plot) { abline(a=-1*mcmcMat[idx[i_sample],3]/mcmcMat[idx[i_sample],2], b=-1*mcmcMat[idx[i_sample],1]/mcmcMat[idx[i_sample],2],col="orange") } points(x1,x2,pch=paste(y), cex=1.5) # guessing y = dat$male; x = dat$weight; Ntotal = length(y) dataList = list(y = y, x = x, Ntotal = Ntotal) model.txt = " data { xm <- mean(x) xsd <- sd(x) for (i in 1:Ntotal){ zx[i] = (x[i] - xm)/xsd } } model { for ( i_data in 1:Ntotal ) { y[ i_data ] ~ dbern(mu[i_data]) mu[i_data] <- (guess*0.5 + (1-guess)*ilogit( zbeta0 + zbeta * zx[i_data])) } zbeta0 ~ dnorm(0, 1/2^2) zbeta ~ dnorm(0, 1/2^2) guess ~ dbeta(1,9) beta <- zbeta / xsd beta0 <- zbeta0 - zbeta * xm/xsd }" writeLines(model.txt, "model1.txt") parameters = c( "beta0" , "beta", "guess") jagsModel = jags.model( "model1.txt", data=dataList, n.chains=3, n.adapt=500 ) update( jagsModel , n.iter=1000) codaSamples = coda.samples( jagsModel , variable.names=parameters, n.iter=10000, thin=5) mcmcMat<-as.matrix(codaSamples) plot(x[],y[],xlim=c(-3,3)) n2plot=100 idx=sample(1:nrow(mcmcMat),n2plot) temp.x = seq(-3,3,length.out = 100) for (i_sample in 1:n2plot) { temp.y = 1/(1+exp(-1*(mcmcMat[idx[i_sample],2] + mcmcMat[idx[i_sample],1]*temp.x))) lines(temp.x, temp.y, col='orange', lwd=2) } par(mfrow=c(1,3)) HDI.plot(mcmcMat[,2],xlabel='intercept') HDI.plot(mcmcMat[,1],xlabel='weight') HDI.plot(mcmcMat[,3],xlabel='guessing') par(mfrow=c(1,1)) plot(dat$weight,dat$male,xlim=c(90,280),yaxt="n",ylab="Male / Female", xlab="Weight", cex=2.5) axis(2,at = 0:1,labels=c("Femal","Male")) n2plot=100 idx=sample(1:nrow(mcmcMat),n2plot) temp.x = seq(90,280,length.out = 100) for (i_sample in 1:n2plot) { temp.y = mcmcMat[idx[i_sample],3]/2+(1-mcmcMat[idx[i_sample],3])*1/(1+exp(-1*(mcmcMat[idx[i_sample],2] + mcmcMat[idx[i_sample],1]*temp.x))) lines(temp.x, temp.y, col='orange', lwd=2) } # nomial predictors model.txt = " model { for ( in 1:Ntotal ) { y[ ] ~ dbin(mu[],N[]) mu[] ~ dbeta(omega[x[]]*(kappa-2)+1,(1-omega[x[]])*(kappa-2)+1) } for (i.pos in 1:Npos){ omega[i.pos] <- ilogit(a0+a[i.pos]) a[i.pos] ~ dnorm(0.0, 1/aSigma^2) } a0 ~ dnorm(0,1/2^2) aSigma ~ dgamma(1.64, 0.32) kappa <- kappaMinusTwo +2 kappaMinusTwo ~ dgamma(0.01,0.01) for (i.pos in 1:Npos){ m[i.pos] <- a0+a[i.pos] } b0 <- mean(m[1:Npos]) for (i.pos in 1:Npos){ b[i.pos] <- m[i.pos] - b0 } }" writeLines(model.txt, "model.txt") dat<-read.csv("") y = dat$Hits N = dat$AtBats x = dat$PriPosNumber Ntotal = length(y) Npos = length(unique(x)) dataList = list(y = y, x = x, N = N, Ntotal = Ntotal, Npos = Npos) parameters = c( "b0" , "b", "omega") jagsModel = jags.model( "model.txt", data=dataList, n.chains=3, n.adapt=500 ) update( jagsModel , n.iter=1000) codaSamples = coda.samples( jagsModel , variable.names=parameters, n.iter=10000, thin=5) mcmcMat<-as.matrix(codaSamples) par(mfrow=c(3,3)) for (i.pos in 1:9){ HDI.plot(mcmcMat[,i.pos+10]) } par(mfrow=c(2,2)) HDI.plot(mcmcMat[,1]-mcmcMat[,2]) HDI.plot(mcmcMat[,2]-mcmcMat[,3]) HDI.plot(mcmcMat[,11]-mcmcMat[,12]) HDI.plot(mcmcMat[,12]-mcmcMat[,13]) # softmax regression x1 = runif(500, min=-2, max = 2) x2 = runif(500, min=-2, max = 2) b0 = c(0,-3,-4,-5) b1 = c(0,-5,-1,10) b2 = c(0,-5,10,-1) l1 = b0[1]+b1[1]*x1+b2[1]*x2 l2 = b0[2]+b1[2]*x1+b2[2]*x2 l3 = b0[3]+b1[3]*x1+b2[3]*x2 l4 = b0[4]+b1[4]*x1+b2[4]*x2 p1 = exp(l1)/sum(exp(l1)+exp(l2)+exp(l3)+exp(l4)) p2 = exp(l2)/sum(exp(l1)+exp(l2)+exp(l3)+exp(l4)) p3 = exp(l3)/sum(exp(l1)+exp(l2)+exp(l3)+exp(l4)) p4 = exp(l4)/sum(exp(l1)+exp(l2)+exp(l3)+exp(l4)) ps = cbind(p1,p2,p3,p4) y = apply(ps,1,which.max) plot(x1,x2,pch=y,col=y) b0 = c(0,-4,-1,-1) b1 = c(0,-5,1,3) b2 = c(0,0,-5,3) l1 = b0[1]+b1[1]*x1+b2[1]*x2 l2 = b0[2]+b1[2]*x1+b2[2]*x2 l3 = b0[3]+b1[3]*x1+b2[3]*x2 l4 = b0[4]+b1[4]*x1+b2[4]*x2 p1 = exp(l1)/sum(exp(l1)+exp(l2)+exp(l3)+exp(l4)) p2 = exp(l2)/sum(exp(l1)+exp(l2)+exp(l3)+exp(l4)) p3 = exp(l3)/sum(exp(l1)+exp(l2)+exp(l3)+exp(l4)) p4 = exp(l4)/sum(exp(l1)+exp(l2)+exp(l3)+exp(l4)) ps = cbind(p1,p2,p3,p4) y = apply(ps,1,which.max) plot(x1,x2,pch=y,col=y) p1 = exp(l1)/sum(exp(l1)+exp(l2)+exp(l3)+exp(l4)) p2 = exp(l2)/sum(exp(l1)+exp(l2)+exp(l3)+exp(l4)) p3 = exp(l3)/sum(exp(l1)+exp(l2)+exp(l3)+exp(l4)) p4 = exp(l4)/sum(exp(l1)+exp(l2)+exp(l3)+exp(l4)) ps = cbind(p1,p2,p3,p4) p12 = pmax(p1,p2) p34 = pmax(p3,p4) y12vs34 = apply(cbind(p1,p2),1,which.max) plot(x1,x2,pch=y12vs34,col=y12vs34) y1vs2 = apply(cbind(p1,p3),1,which.max) points(x1,x2,pch=y1vs2+2,col=y1vs2+2) y3vs4 = apply(cbind(p1,p4),1,which.max) points(x1,x2,pch=y3vs4+6,col=y3vs4+6) model.txt = " data { for ( j in 1:Nx ) { xm[j] <- mean(x[,j]) xsd[j] <- sd(x[,j]) for ( i in 1:Ntotal ) { zx[i,j] <- ( x[i,j] - xm[j] ) / xsd[j] } } } model { for ( i in 1:Ntotal ) { y[i] ~ dcat(mu[1:Nout,i]) mu[1:Nout,i] <- explambda[1:Nout,i]/sum(explambda[1:Nout,i]) for (k in 1:Nout){ explambda[k,i]=exp(zbeta0[k] + sum(zbeta[k,1:Nx] * zx[i, 1:Nx ])) } } zbeta0[1] = 0 for (j in 1:Nx){ zbeta[1,j] <- 0 } for (k in 2:Nout){ zbeta0[k] ~ dnorm(0, 1/2^2) for (j in 1:Nx){ zbeta[k,j]~dnorm(0, 1/2^2) } } for ( k in 1:Nout ) { beta[k,1:Nx] <- zbeta[k,1:Nx] / xsd[1:Nx] beta0[k] <- zbeta0[k] - sum( zbeta[k,1:Nx] * xm[1:Nx] / xsd[1:Nx] ) } }" writeLines(model.txt, "model.txt") dat<-read.csv( "" ) y = dat$Y x = cbind(dat[,1],dat[,2]) Ntotal = length(y) Nout = length(unique(y)) dataList = list(y = y, x = x, Nx = 2, Ntotal = Ntotal, Nout = Nout) parameters = c( "beta0" , "beta") jagsModel = jags.model( "model.txt", data=dataList, n.chains=3, n.adapt=500 ) update( jagsModel , n.iter=1000) codaSamples = coda.samples( jagsModel , variable.names=parameters, n.iter=10000, thin=5) mcmcMat<-as.matrix(codaSamples) par(mfrow=c(1,3)) HDI.plot(mcmcMat[,7+0],xlab='intercept') HDI.plot(mcmcMat[,1+0],xlab='b1') HDI.plot(mcmcMat[,4+0],xlab='b2') model = " data { for ( j in 1:Nx ) { xm[j] <- mean(x[,j]) xsd[j] <- sd(x[,j]) for ( i in 1:Ntotal ) { zx[i,j] <- ( x[i,j] - xm[j] ) / xsd[j] } } } # Specify the model for standardized data: model { for ( i in 1:Ntotal ) { y[i] ~ dcat( mu[1:Nout,i] ) mu[1,i] <- phi[1,i] mu[2,i] <- phi[2,i] * (1-phi[1,i]) mu[3,i] <- phi[3,i] * (1-phi[2,i]) * (1-phi[1,i]) mu[4,i] <- (1-phi[3,i]) * (1-phi[2,i]) * (1-phi[1,i]) for ( r in 1:(Nout-1) ) { phi[r,i] <- ilogit( zbeta0[r] + sum( zbeta[r,1:Nx] * zx[i,1:Nx] ) ) } } for ( r in 1:(Nout-1) ) { zbeta0[r] ~ dnorm( 0 , 1/20^2 ) for ( j in 1:Nx ) { zbeta[r,j] ~ dnorm( 0 , 1/20^2 ) } } for ( r in 1:(Nout-1) ) { beta[r,1:Nx] <- zbeta[r,1:Nx] / xsd[1:Nx] beta0[r] <- zbeta0[r] - sum( zbeta[r,1:Nx] * xm[1:Nx] / xsd[1:Nx] ) } } " writeLines( model , "model.txt" ) dat<-read.csv( "" ) y = dat$Y x = cbind(dat[,1],dat[,2]) Ntotal = length(y) Nout = length(unique(y)) dataList = list(y = y, x = x, Nx = 2, Ntotal = Ntotal, Nout = Nout) parameters = c( "beta0" , "beta") jagsModel = jags.model( "model.txt", data=dataList, n.chains=3, n.adapt=500 ) update( jagsModel , n.iter=1000) codaSamples = coda.samples( jagsModel , variable.names=parameters, n.iter=10000, thin=5) mcmcMat<-as.matrix(codaSamples) par(mfrow=c(1,1)) plot(x[,1],x[,2],col=y) n2plot=100 idx=sample(1:nrow(mcmcMat),n2plot) temp.x = seq(-3,3,length.out = 100) for ( in 0:2){ for (i_sample in 1:n2plot) { abline(a=-1*mcmcMat[idx[i_sample],]/mcmcMat[idx[i_sample],], b=-1*mcmcMat[idx[i_sample],]/mcmcMat[idx[i_sample],],col="orange") } } model2 = " data { for ( j in 1:Nx ) { xm[j] <- mean(x[,j]) xsd[j] <- sd(x[,j]) for ( i in 1:Ntotal ) { zx[i,j] <- ( x[i,j] - xm[j] ) / xsd[j] } } } model { for ( i in 1:Ntotal ) { y[i] ~ dcat( mu[1:Nout,i] ) mu[1,i] <- phi[2,i] * phi[1,i] mu[2,i] <- (1-phi[2,i]) * phi[1,i] mu[3,i] <- phi[3,i] * (1-phi[1,i]) mu[4,i] <- (1-phi[3,i]) * (1-phi[1,i]) for ( r in 1:(Nout-1) ) { phi[r,i] <- ilogit( zbeta0[r] + sum( zbeta[r,1:Nx] * zx[i,1:Nx] ) ) } } for ( r in 1:(Nout-1) ) { zbeta0[r] ~ dnorm( 0 , 1/20^2 ) for ( j in 1:Nx ) { zbeta[r,j] ~ dnorm( 0 , 1/20^2 ) } } for ( r in 1:(Nout-1) ) { beta[r,1:Nx] <- zbeta[r,1:Nx] / xsd[1:Nx] beta0[r] <- zbeta0[r] - sum( zbeta[r,1:Nx] * xm[1:Nx] / xsd[1:Nx] ) } }" writeLines( modelString , con="TEMPmodel.txt" )
院 認識情報解析
library(rjags) source("") dat = read.csv("") x = dat$height y = dat$weight modelS.txt = " data{ Ntotal <- length(y) xm <- mean(x) ym <- mean(y) xsd <- sd(x) ysd <- sd(y) for (i in 1:length(y)){ zx[i] <- (x[i] - xm)/xsd zy[i] <- (y[i] - ym)/ysd } } model{ for (i in 1:Ntotal){ zy[i] ~ dt(zbeta0 + zbeta1 * zx[i], 1/zsigma^2, nu) } zbeta0 ~ dnorm(0, 1/10^2) zbeta1 ~ dnorm(0, 1/10^2) zsigma ~ dunif(1.03E-3, 1.03E+3) nu <- nuMinusOne + 1 nuMinusOne ~ dexp(1/29.0) #Transfrom to original scale: beta1 <- zbeta1 * ysd/xsd beta0 <- zbeta0 * ysd + ym -zbeta1*xm*ysd/xsd sigma <- zsigma * ysd } " writeLines(modelS.txt, "modelS.txt") dataList = list(x = x, y = y) jagsModel =jags.model("modelS.txt", data = dataList, n.chains = 3, n.adapt = 500) update(jagsModel, 500) codaSamples = coda.samples(jagsModel, variable.names = c("beta1", "beta0", "sigma","zbeta0","zbeta1"), n.iter = ((10000*1)/1), n.adapt = 500) mcmcMat<-as.matrix(codaSamples) plot(dat$height,dat$weight,xlab="height",ylab ='weight',pch=20,col="orange",cex=5) par(mfrow=c(2,2)) HDI.plot(mcmcMat[,1]) plot(mcmcMat[,2],mcmcMat[,1], xlab='B1',ylab="B0",pch=20, col='orange') plot(mcmcMat[,1],mcmcMat[,2], xlab='B0',ylab="B1",pch=20, col='orange') HDI.plot(mcmcMat[,2]) par(mfrow=c(2,2)) HDI.plot(mcmcMat[,4]) plot(mcmcMat[,5],mcmcMat[,4], xlab='B1',ylab="B0",pch=20, col='orange') plot(mcmcMat[,4],mcmcMat[,5], xlab='zB0',ylab="zB1",pch=20, col='orange') HDI.plot(mcmcMat[,5]) n.mcmc = nrow(mcmcMat) par(mfrow=c(1,1)) temp.x = c(0,80) temp.y = mcmcMat[1,1]+mcmcMat[1,2]*temp.x plot(temp.x,temp.y,type='l',lwd=2,col="orange",xlab="height",ylab='weight') idx = sample(1:n.mcmc,100) for (i.plot in 1:length(idx)){ temp.y = mcmcMat[idx[i.plot],1]+mcmcMat[idx[i.plot],2]*temp.x lines(temp.x,temp.y,lwd=2,col="orange") } points(dat$height,dat$weight,pch=20,cex=4) par(mfrow=c(1,1)) n2plot = 100 temp.x = c(0,80) mean.set = seq(50,80,5) idx=sample(1:nrow(mcmcMat),n2plot) plot(x,y,xlim=c(50,80),ylim=c(0,400)) for (i_sample in 1:n2plot) { temp.y = mcmcMat[idx[i_sample],1]+mcmcMat[idx[i_sample],2]*temp.x lines(temp.x,temp.y,lwd=2,col="orange") for (i.means in 1:length(mean.set)){ means = mcmcMat[idx[i_sample],1]+mcmcMat[idx[i_sample],2]*mean.set[i.means] y.seq = seq(0,400,length.out=1000) dens.y=dt((y.seq-means)/mcmcMat[idx[i_sample],3],29) dens.y=dens.y/max(dens.y) lines(dens.y,y.seq,type='l',col="orange") lines(-dens.y+mean.set[i.means],y.seq,type='l',col="orange") } } points(x,y,pch=20,cex=3) model.txt = " data{ Ntotal <- length(y) xm <- mean(x) ym <- mean(y) xsd <- sd(x) ysd <- sd(y) for (i in 1:length(y)){ zx[i] <- (x[i] - xm) / xsd zy[i] <- (y[i] - ym) / ysd } } model{ for (i in 1:Ntotal){ zy[i] ~ dt( zbeta0[s[i]] + zbeta1[s[i]] * zx[i], 1 / zsigma^2, nu) } for (j in 1:Nsubj){ zbeta0[j] ~ dnorm( zbeta0mu, 1/(zbeta0sigma)^2) zbeta1[j] ~ dnorm( zbeta1mu, 1/(zbeta1sigma)^2) } zbeta0mu ~ dnorm(0, 1/(10)^2) zbeta1mu ~ dnorm(0, 1/(10)^2) zsigma ~ dunif(1.0E-3, 1.0E+3) zbeta0sigma ~ dunif(1.0E-3, 1.0E+3) zbeta1sigma ~ dunif(1.0E-3, 1.0E+3) nu <- nuMinusOne + 1 nuMinusOne ~ dexp(1/29.0) for (j in 1:Nsubj){ beta1[j] <- zbeta1[j] * ysd / xsd beta0[j] <- zbeta0[j] * ysd + ym - zbeta1[j] * xm * ysd / xsd } beta1mu <- zbeta1mu * ysd / xsd beta0mu <- zbeta0mu * ysd + ym -zbeta1mu * xm * ysd / xsd sigma <- zsigma * ysd } " writeLines(model.txt, "model.txt") dat = read.csv( file="" ) x = dat$X y = dat$Y s = dat$Subj dataList = list(x = x , y = y ,s = s , Nsubj = max(s)) jagsModel =jags.model("model.txt", data = dataList, n.chains = 3, n.adapt = 500) update(jagsModel, 500) codaSamples = coda.samples(jagsModel, variable.names = c("beta1mu", "beta0mu", "sigma", "beta0","beta1"), n.iter = ((10000*1)/1), n.adapt = 500) mcmcMat<-as.matrix(codaSamples) par(mfrow=c(1,1)) temp.x = c(40,90) temp.y = mcmcMat[1,"beta0mu"]+mcmcMat[1,"beta1mu"]*temp.x plot(temp.x,temp.y,type='l',lwd=2,col="orange",xlab="height",ylab='weight',xlim=c(40,90),ylim=c(40,260)) idx = sample(1:nrow(mcmcMat),100) for (i.plot in 1:length(idx)){ temp.y = mcmcMat[idx[i.plot],"beta0mu"]+mcmcMat[idx[i.plot],"beta1mu"]*temp.x lines(temp.x,temp.y,lwd=2,col="orange") } points(dat$X,dat$Y,pch=20,cex=4) par(mfrow=c(5,5)) temp.x = c(40,90) for (i.s in 1:25){ temp.y = mcmcMat[1,i.s]+mcmcMat[1,i.s+26]*temp.x plot(temp.x,temp.y,type='l',lwd=2,col="orange",xlab="height",ylab='weight',xlim=c(40,90),ylim=c(40,260)) idx = sample(1:nrow(mcmcMat),100) for (i.plot in 1:length(idx)){ temp.y = mcmcMat[idx[i.plot],i.s]+mcmcMat[idx[i.plot],i.s+26]*temp.x lines(temp.x,temp.y,lwd=2,col="orange") } points(dat$X[which(dat$Subj==i.s)],dat$Y[which(dat$Subj==i.s)],pch=20,cex=2) } # ch 18 dat = read.csv( file="httP://" ) par(mfrow=c(1,1)) plot(dat[,c(2,5,8)],pch=20,cex=3) y = dat$SATT x = as.matrix(cbind(dat$Spend,dat$PrcntTake)) dataList = list(x = x ,y = y, Nx = dim(x)[2], Ntotal = dim(x)[1]) model.txt = " data{ ym <- mean(y) ysd <- sd(y) for (i in 1:Ntotal){ zy[i] <- (y[i] - ym) / ysd } for (j in 1:Nx){ xm[j] <- mean(x[,j]) xsd[j] <- sd(x[,j]) for (i in 1:Ntotal){ zx[i,j] <- (x[i,j] - xm[j])/xsd[j] } } } model{ for( i in 1:Ntotal){ zy[i] ~ dt( zbeta0 + sum( zbeta[1:Nx] * zx[i, 1:Nx]), 1/zsigma^2, nu) } zbeta0 ~ dnorm(0, 1/2^2) for ( j in 1:Nx){ zbeta[j] ~ dnorm(0, 1/2^2) } zsigma ~ dunif(1.0E-5, 1.0E+1) nu <- nuMinusOne + 1 nuMinusOne ~ dexp(1/29.0) beta[1:Nx] <- ( zbeta[1:Nx] / xsd[1:Nx] ) * ysd beta0 <- zbeta0 * ysd + ym - sum( zbeta[1:Nx] * xm[1:Nx] / xsd[1:Nx]) * ysd sigma <- zsigma * ysd } " writeLines(model.txt, "model.txt") jagsModel =jags.model("model.txt", data = dataList, n.chains = 3, n.adapt = 500) update(jagsModel, 500) codaSamples = coda.samples(jagsModel, variable.names = c("beta[1]", "beta[2]", "beta0", "sigma"), n.iter = ((10000*1)/1), n.adapt = 500) mcmcMat<-as.matrix(codaSamples) plot( par(mfrow=c(1,2)) HDI.plot(mcmcMat[,2]) HDI.plot(mcmcMat[,3]) x = as.matrix(cbind(dat$Spend,dat$PrcntTake,dat$Spend*dat$PrcntTake)) dataList = list(x = x ,y = y, Nx = dim(x)[2], Ntotal = dim(x)[1]) jagsModel =jags.model("model.txt", data = dataList, n.chains = 3, n.adapt = 500) update(jagsModel, 500) codaSamples = coda.samples(jagsModel, variable.names = c("beta[1]", "beta[2]", "beta[3]", "beta0", "sigma"), n.iter = ((10000*1)/1), n.adapt = 500) mcmcMat<-as.matrix(codaSamples) par(mfrow=c(1,3)) HDI.plot(mcmcMat[,2]) HDI.plot(mcmcMat[,3]) HDI.plot(mcmcMat[,4]) empHDI(mcmcMat[,2]) par(mfrow=c(1,1)) perT = seq(0,80,5) plot(x=c(perT[1],perT[1]),empHDI(mcmcMat[,2]+mcmcMat[,4]*perT[1]), xlim=c(-5,85),ylim=c(-15,35),type='l',lwd=3,col="orange", xlab = c("value on Percent Take"),ylab="Slope on Spend") for (i.plot in 2:length(perT)){ lines(c(perT[i.plot],perT[i.plot]),empHDI(mcmcMat[,2]+mcmcMat[,4]*perT[i.plot]), lwd=3,col="orange") } abline(h=0,lwd=2,lty=2) par(mfrow=c(1,1)) perT = seq(0,10,0.5) plot(x=c(perT[1],perT[1]),empHDI(mcmcMat[,3]+mcmcMat[,4]*perT[1]), xlim=c(-0.5,11),ylim=c(-5,1),type='l',lwd=3,col="orange", xlab = c("value on Spent"),ylab="Slope on %Take") for (i.plot in 2:length(perT)){ lines(c(perT[i.plot],perT[i.plot]),empHDI(mcmcMat[,3]+mcmcMat[,4]*perT[i.plot]), lwd=3,col="orange") } abline(h=0,lwd=2,lty=2)
院:認識情報解析 T-test & ANOVA
source("") dat <- read.csv("") dat2sd <- dat[dat$Group=="Smart Drug",] dataList <- list(y = dat2sd$Score, Ntotal = nrow(dat2sd), meanY = mean(dat2sd$Score), sdY = sd(dat2sd$Score)) model.txt = " model { for (i in 1:Ntotal){ y[i] ~ dnorm(mu, 1/sigma^2) } mu ~ dnorm(meanY, 1/(100*sdY)^2) sigma ~ dunif(sdY/1000, sdY*1000) }" writeLines(model.txt, "model.txt") parameters = c( "mu" , "sigma") library("rjags") jagsModel = jags.model( "model.txt", data=dataList, n.chains=3, n.adapt=500 ) update( jagsModel , n.iter=1000) codaSamples = coda.samples( jagsModel , variable.names=parameters, n.iter=10000, thin=5) traceplot(codaSamples) gelman.plot(codaSamples) mcmcMat<-as.matrix(codaSamples) HDI.plot(mcmcMat[,1]) HDI.plot(mcmcMat[,2]) hist(dat2sd$Score, probability = T) x.temp = seq(40,220,0.1) n.plot = 100 rand.order = sample(1:nrow(mcmcMat),n.plot) for (i.plot in 1:n.plot){ y.temp = dnorm(x.temp, mean = mcmcMat[rand.order[i.plot],1], sd = mcmcMat[rand.order[i.plot],2]) lines(x.temp, y.temp, type='l',col="orange") } #y = c(-2:2,15);Ntotal = length(y);meanY = mean(y); sdY = sd(y) #dataList = list(y= y, Ntotal=Ntotal, meanY = meanY, sdY = sdY) dataList <- list(y = dat2sd$Score, Ntotal = nrow(dat2sd), meanY = mean(dat2sd$Score), sdY = sd(dat2sd$Score)) model.txt =" model { for ( i in 1:Ntotal ) { y[i] ~ dt( mu , 1/sigma^2 , nu ) } mu ~ dnorm( meanY , 1/(100*sdY)^2 ) sigma ~ dunif( sdY/1000 , sdY*1000 ) nu <- nuMinusOne+1 nuMinusOne ~ dexp(1/29) }" writeLines(model.txt, "model.txt") parameters = c( "mu" , "sigma", "nu") jagsModel = jags.model( "model.txt", data=dataList, n.chains=3, n.adapt=1000 ) update( jagsModel , n.iter=1000) codaSamples = coda.samples( jagsModel , variable.names=parameters, n.iter=10000, thin=5) #traceplot(codaSamples) #gelman.plot(codaSamples) mcmcMat<-as.matrix(codaSamples) HDI.plot(mcmcMat[,1]) HDI.plot(mcmcMat[,2]) dataList <- list(y = dat$Score, Ntotal = nrow(dat), meanY = mean(dat$Score), sdY = sd(dat$Score), Ngroup = length(unique(dat$Group)), group = dat$Group) model.txt =" model { for ( i in 1:Ntotal ) { y[i] ~ dt( mu[group[i]] , 1/sigma[group[i]]^2 , nu ) } for (j in 1:Ngroup){ mu[j] ~ dnorm( meanY , 1/(100*sdY)^2 ) sigma[j] ~ dunif( sdY/1000 , sdY*1000 ) } nu <- nuMinusOne+1 nuMinusOne ~ dexp(1/29) }" writeLines(model.txt, "model.txt") parameters = c( "mu" , "sigma", "nu") jagsModel = jags.model( "model.txt", data=dataList, n.chains=3, n.adapt=1000 ) update( jagsModel , n.iter=1000) codaSamples = coda.samples( jagsModel , variable.names=parameters, n.iter=10000, thin=5) #traceplot(codaSamples) #gelman.plot(codaSamples) mcmcMat<-as.matrix(codaSamples) HDI.plot(mcmcMat[,1]-mcmcMat[,2]) HDI.plot(mcmcMat[,2]) dat<-read.csv("") y=dat$Longevity yMean = mean(y) ySD = sd(y) Ntotal = length(y) MeanSD2gamma <- function( mean, sd ) { shape = mean^2 / sd^2 rate = mean / sd^2 return(data.frame(shape,rate)) } ModeSD2gamma <- function( mode, sd ) { rate = ( mode + sqrt( mode^2 + 4 * sd^2 ) )/( 2 * sd^2 ) shape = 1 + mode * rate return(data.frame(shape,rate)) } temp.gamma = ModeSD2gamma( mode=sd(y)/2 , sd=2*sd(y) ) gShape = temp.gamma$shape gRate = temp.gamma$rate x=as.numeric(dat$CompanionNumber) Ngroup = length(unique(x)) xc=dat$Thorax xcMean=mean(xc) dataList = list( y = y , x = x , Ntotal = Ntotal , Ngroup = Ngroup , yMean = yMean , ySD = ySD , gShape = gShape, gRate = gRate ) model.txt=" model { for ( i_data in 1:Ntotal ) { y[ i_data ] ~ dnorm( a0 + a[ x[ i_data ] ], 1/ySigma^2) } ySigma ~ dunif( ySD/100, ySD*10 ) a0 ~ dnorm( yMean, 1/(ySD*5)^2) for ( i_group in 1:Ngroup ) { a[ i_group ] ~ dnorm(0.0, 1/aSigma^2) } aSigma ~ dgamma( gShape, gRate ) for ( i_group in 1:Ngroup ) { m[ i_group ] <- a0 + a[ i_group ] } b0 <- mean( m[ 1:Ngroup ] ) for (i_data in 1:Ngroup ) { b[ i_data ] <- m[ i_data ] - b0 } } " writeLines(model.txt, "model.txt") parameters = c( "b0" , "b" , "ySigma", "aSigma" ) jagsModel = jags.model( "model.txt", data=dataList, n.chains=3, n.adapt=500 ) update( jagsModel , n.iter=1000) codaSamples = coda.samples( jagsModel , variable.names=parameters, n.iter=10000, thin=5) mcmcMat<-as.matrix(codaSamples) # fig 19.3 plot(x,dat$Longevity,xlim=c(0,5.1),ylim=c(0,120)) for (i_c in 1:100) { sd=mcmcMat[i_c,"ySigma"] lim=qnorm(c(0.025,0.975)) means=mcmcMat[i_c,2:6]+mcmcMat[i_c,"b0"] for (i_group in 1:5){ lower=means[i_group]+lim[1]*sd upper=means[i_group]+lim[2]*sd yseq=seq(lower,upper,length.out = 100) dens.y=dnorm((yseq-means[i_group])/sd) dens.y=dens.y/max(dens.y)*0.75 lines(-dens.y+i_group,yseq,type='l',col="orange") } } dataList = list( y = y , x = x , xc = xc , Ntotal = Ntotal , Ngroup = Ngroup , yMean = yMean , ySD = ySD , xcMean = xcMean , acSD = sd(xc) , gShape = gShape, gRate = gRate ) model.txt=" model { for ( i_data in 1:Ntotal ) { y[ i_data ] ~ dnorm( mu[i_data], 1/ySigma^2) mu [ i_data] <- a0 + a[ x[ i_data ] ] + ac*( xc[ i_data ] - xcMean ) } ySigma ~ dunif( ySD/100, ySD*10 ) a0 ~ dnorm( yMean, 1/(ySD*5)^2) for ( i_group in 1:Ngroup ) { a[ i_group ] ~ dnorm(0.0, 1/aSigma^2) } aSigma ~ dgamma( gShape, gRate ) ac ~ dnorm(0, 1/(2*ySD/acSD)^2 ) b0 <- a0 + mean( a[ 1:Ngroup ] ) - ac*xcMean for (i_data in 1:Ngroup ) { b[ i_data ] <- a[ i_data ] - mean( a[1:Ngroup]) } }" writeLines(model.txt, "model.txt") parameters = c( "b0" , "b" , "ySigma", "aSigma", "ac" ) jagsModel = jags.model( "model.txt", data=dataList, n.chains=3, n.adapt=500 ) update( jagsModel , n.iter=5000) codaSamples = coda.samples( jagsModel , variable.names=parameters, n.iter=10000, thin=5) mcmcMat<-as.matrix(codaSamples) # fig 19.5 only "none0" will be plotted plot(Longevity~Thorax,xlim=c(0.6,1),ylim=c(0,120),data=dat[dat$CompanionNumber=="None0",],type='n') Thorax.value=c(0.65,0.8,0.95) for (i_c in 1:100) { # regression lines xs=c(0.5,1.1) ys=mcmcMat[i_c,"b0"]+mcmcMat[i_c,3]+mcmcMat[i_c,"ac"]*xs lines(xs,ys,col="orange") # density sd=mcmcMat[i_c,"ySigma"] lim=qnorm(c(0.025,0.975)) means=mcmcMat[i_c,"b0"]+mcmcMat[i_c,3]+mcmcMat[i_c,"ac"]*Thorax.value for (i_thorax in 1:3){ lower=means[i_thorax]+lim[1]*sd upper=means[i_thorax]+lim[2]*sd yseq=seq(lower,upper,length.out = 100) dens.y=dnorm((yseq-means[i_thorax])/sd) dens.y=dens.y/max(dens.y)*0.05 lines(-dens.y+Thorax.value[i_thorax],yseq,type='l',col="orange") } } abline(v=Thorax.value,col='green') points(Longevity~Thorax,xlim=c(0.6,1),ylim=c(0,120),data=dat[dat$CompanionNumber=="None0",]) dat<-read.csv("") y=dat$Y yMean = mean(y) ySD = sd(y) Ntotal = length(y) x=as.numeric(dat$Group) Ngroup = length(unique(x)) model.txt = " model { for ( i_data in 1:Ntotal ) { y[ i_data ] ~ dt( a0 + a[ x[ i_data ] ], 1/ySigma[x[i_data]]^2, nu) } nu <- nuMinusOne + 1 nuMinusOne ~ dexp(1/29) for (i_group in 1:Ngroup) { ySigma[i_group]~dgamma(ySigSh,ySigR) } ySigSh <- 1+ySigMode * ySigR ySigR <- ((ySigMode + sqrt(ySigMode^2+4*ySigSD^2))/(2*ySigSD^2)) ySigMode ~ dgamma(gShape,gRate) ySigSD ~ dgamma(gShape,gRate) a0 ~ dnorm( yMean, 1/(ySD*10)^2) for ( i_group in 1:Ngroup ) { a[ i_group ] ~ dnorm(0.0, 1/aSigma^2) } aSigma ~ dgamma( gShape, gRate ) for ( i_group in 1:Ngroup ) { m[ i_group ] <- a0 + a[ i_group ] } b0 <- mean( m[ 1:Ngroup ] ) for (i_data in 1:Ngroup ) { b[ i_data ] <- m[ i_data ] - b0 } }" writeLines(model.txt, "model.txt") dataList = list( y = y , x = x , Ntotal = Ntotal , Ngroup = Ngroup , yMean = yMean , ySD = ySD , gShape = gShape, gRate = gRate ) parameters = c( "b0" , "b" , "ySigma", "aSigma" ,"nu","ySigMode","ySigSD") jagsModel = jags.model( "model.txt", data=dataList, n.chains=3, n.adapt=500 ) update( jagsModel , n.iter=1000) codaSamples = coda.samples( jagsModel , variable.names=parameters, n.iter=10000, thin=5) mcmcMat<-as.matrix(codaSamples) # plotting plot(x,y,xlim=c(0,4.1),ylim=c(70,130)) n2plot=100 idx=sample(1:nrow(mcmcMat),n2plot) for (i_sample in 1:n2plot) { i_c = idx[i_sample] lim=qnorm(c(0.025,0.975)) means=mcmcMat[i_c,2:6]+mcmcMat[i_c,"b0"] for (i_group in 1:4){ sd=mcmcMat[i_c,9+i_group] lower=means[i_group]+lim[1]*sd upper=means[i_group]+lim[2]*sd yseq=seq(lower,upper,length.out = 100) dens.y=dnorm((yseq-means[i_group])/sd) dens.y=dens.y/max(dens.y)*0.75 lines(-dens.y+i_group,yseq,type='l',col="orange") } }
y = sample(c(rep(1,15), rep(0,35))) Ntotal=length(y) datalist = list(y=y,Ntotal=Ntotal) source("") library(rjags) txt = " model { for ( i_data in 1:Ntotal ) { y[ i_data ] ~ dbern( theta ) } theta ~ dbeta( 1, 1 ) }" writeLines(txt, "~/model.txt") jagsModel = jags.model(file="~/model.txt", data=datalist,n.chains=3,n.adapt=500) update(jagsModel,n.iter=1000) codaSamples=coda.samples(jagsModel,variable.names=c("theta"),n.iter=5000) mcmcMat<-as.matrix(codaSamples) HDI.plot(mcmcMat) traceplot(codaSamples) autocorr.plot(codaSamples,type='l') gelman.plot(codaSamples) y1 = sample(c(rep(1,6), rep(0,2))) y2 = sample(c(rep(1,2), rep(0,5))) y = c(y1,y2) s = c(rep(1,8),rep(2,7)) Ntotal=length(y) datalist = list(y = y, Ntotal = Ntotal, s = s, Nsubj = 2) txt = " model { for ( i_data in 1:Ntotal ) { y[ i_data ] ~ dbern( theta[s[i_data]] ) } for ( i_s in 1:Nsubj) { theta[i_s] ~ dbeta( 2, 2 ) } }" writeLines(txt, "~/model.txt") jagsModel = jags.model(file="~/model.txt", data=datalist,n.chains=3,n.adapt=500) update(jagsModel,n.iter=1000) codaSamples=coda.samples(jagsModel,variable.names=c("theta"),n.iter=5000) mcmcMat<-as.matrix(codaSamples) # checking MCMC HDI.plot(mcmcMat[,2]) traceplot(codaSamples) autocorr.plot(codaSamples) gelman.plot(codaSamples) x.temp = seq(0,150,0.1) g1 = dgamma(x.temp, shape =0.01, rate =0.01) plot(x.temp,g1,type='l') g2 = dgamma(x.temp, shape =1.56, rate = 0.0312) plot(x.temp,g2,type='l') g3 = dgamma(x.temp, shape =6.25, rate = 0.125) plot(x.temp,g2,type='l') txt = " model { for ( i_data in 1:Ntotal ) { y[ i_data ] ~ dbern( theta[s[i_data]] ) } for ( i_s in 1:Nsubj) { theta[i_s] ~ dbeta( omega*(kappa-2)+1,(1-omega)*(kappa-2)+1) } omega ~ dbeta(1,1) kappa <- kappaMinusTwo + 2 kappaMinusTwo ~ dgamma(0.01, 0.01) }" writeLines(txt, "~/model.txt") dat<-read.csv("") y=dat$y s=as.numeric(dat$s) Ntotal=length(dat$y) Nsubj=length(unique(s)) datalist = list(y=y,s=s,Ntotal=Ntotal,Nsubj=Nsubj) jagsModel = jags.model(file="~/model.txt",data=datalist,n.chains=3,n.adapt=500) update(jagsModel,n.iter=1000) codaSamples=coda.samples(jagsModel,variable.names=c("theta","omega","kappa"),n.iter=5000) mcmcMat<-as.matrix(codaSamples) dat<-read.csv("") z = dat$Hits N = dat$AtBats s = dat$PlayerNumber c = dat$PriPosNumber Ncat = 9 Nsubj = 948 datalist = list(z = z, N=N, s=s, c=c, Ncat=Ncat, Nsubj =Nsubj ) txt = " model { for (i_s in 1:Nsubj) { z[i_s] ~ dbin( theta[i_s], N[i_s]) theta[i_s] ~ dbeta(omega[c[i_s]]*(kappa[c[i_s]]-2)+1, (1-omega[c[i_s]])*(kappa[c[i_s]]-2)+1) } for (i_c in 1:Ncat) { omega[i_c] ~ dbeta(omegaO*(kappaO-2)+1,(1-omegaO)*(kappaO-2)+1) kappa[i_c] <- kappaMinusTwo[i_c]+2 kappaMinusTwo[i_c] ~ dgamma(0.01,0.01) } omegaO ~ dbeta(1,1) kappaO <- kappaMinusTwoO+2 kappaMinusTwoO ~ dgamma(0.01,0.01) }" writeLines(txt, "~/model.txt") jagsModel = jags.model(file="~/model.txt",data=datalist,n.chains=3,n.adapt=500) update(jagsModel,n.iter=1000) codaSamples=coda.samples(jagsModel,variable.names=c("theta","omega","kappa"),n.iter=5000) mcmcMat<-as.matrix(codaSamples) HDI.plot(mcmcMat[," omega[1]"]) #pitcher HDI.plot(mcmcMat[," omega[2]"]) #catcher HDI.plot(mcmcMat[," omega[1]"]) #1st base
source("") dat<-read.csv('') dat.fa1 <- factanal(dat,1) dat.fa2 <- factanal(dat,2) dat.fa3 <- factanal(dat,3) dat.fa4 <- factanal(dat,4) install.packages('sem') library(sem) model01=cfa(reference.indicator=FALSE) F1:extrovert,cheerful, leadership, antisocial, talkative, motivated, hesitance, popularity mod1<-sem(model01, data = dat) model02=cfa(reference.indicator=FALSE) F1: extrovert, leadership, motivated, hesitance F2: cheerful, antisocial, talkative, popularity mod2<-sem(model02, data = dat)
認知情報解析学演習 RNN
txt = "You say goodbye and I say hello. you say goodbay and I say hello" txt2corpus <- function(txt){ txt = tolower(txt) txt = gsub('[.]', ' . sos',txt) words = unlist(strsplit(c('sos',txt), " ")) uniq.words = unique(words) n.uniq = length(uniq.words) n.words = length(words) corpus = rep(0,n.words) corpus = match(words,uniq.words) return(corpus) } corp = txt2corpus(txt) corp2contxt1SRNN = function(corpus){ len.corp = length(corpus) # creating target matrix idxT = cbind(1:(len.corp-1), corpus[2:len.corp]) targ1S = matrix(0,nrow=len.corp-1,ncol=length(unique(corpus))) targ1S[idxT]=1 # creating context matrices idxC = cbind(1:(len.corp-1),corpus[1:(len.corp-1)]) contxt = matrix(0,nrow=len.corp-1,ncol=length(unique(corpus))) contxt[idxC]=1 return(list(y=targ1S,x=contxt)) } init.RNN <- function(n.uniq,size.hidden){ W.h = matrix(rnorm(size.hidden*size.hidden),nrow=size.hidden)*0.01 W.x = matrix(rnorm(n.uniq*size.hidden),nrow=n.uniq)*0.01 b = matrix(rnorm(size.hidden),nrow=1)*0.01 return(list(W.h = W.h, W.x= W.x, b = b)) } MatMult.forwd <- function(x, W){ return(x%*%W) } MatMult.bckwd <- function(x, W, dout){ dx = dout%*%t(W) dW = t(x)%*%dout return(list(dx = dx, dW = dW)) } affine.forwd <- function(x, W, b){ return(x%*%W + matrix(1, nrow = nrow(x), ncol = 1)%*%b) } affine.bckwd <- function(x, W, b, dout){ dx = dout%*%t(W) dW = t(x)%*%dout db = colSums(dout) return(list(dx = dx, dW = dW, db = db)) } softmax.forwd <- function(x, target){ max.x = apply(x,1,max) C = ncol(x) x = x - max.x%*%matrix(1,nrow=1,ncol=C) y = exp(x)/rowSums(exp(x)) delta = 1e-7; R = nrow(as.matrix(y)) return(-sum(target*log(y + delta))/R) } softmax.pred <- function(x, target){ max.x = apply(x,1,max) C = ncol(x) x = x - max.x%*%matrix(1,nrow=1,ncol=C) y = exp(x)/rowSums(exp(x)) return(y) } softmax.bckwd <- function(x, target, dout = 1){ max.x = apply(x, 1, max) R = nrow(x) C = ncol(x) x = x - max.x%*%matrix(1,nrow=1,ncol=C) y = exp(x)/rowSums(exp(x)) return((y-target)/R) } RNN.forward <- function(h.prev, x, network){ b.size = nrow(x) h = h.prev%*%network$W.h + x%*%network$W.x hb = h+matrix(1,nrow=b.size,ncol=1)%*%network$b = tanh(hb) return( = } RNN.backward <- function(, network, x,, h.prev){ dt = * (1-^2) db = colSums(dt) dW.h = t(h.prev)%*%dt dh.prev = dt%*%t(network$W.h) dW.x = t(x)%*%dt dx = dt%*%t(network$W.x) return(list(db = db, dW.h = dW.h, dh.prev = dh.prev, dW.x = dW.x, dx=dx)) } txt = "You say goodbye and I say hello." batch.size = 3 time = 3 size.hidden = 7 corp = txt2corpus(txt) dat<-corp2contxt1SRNN(corp) network <- init.RNN(ncol(dat$y), size.hidden) corp.len = nrow(dat$y) h.prev =array(0, c(batch.size, size.hidden, time)) = array(0, c(batch.size, size.hidden, (time+1))) W.out = matrix(rnorm(size.hidden * ncol(dat$y)), nrow = size.hidden) b.out = matrix(rnorm(ncol(dat$y)), nrow = 1) n.rep = 100000;lambda = 0.25; loss = rep(0,n.rep) for (i.rep in 1:n.rep){ for (i.t in 1:time){ idx = seq(i.t, corp.len, time)[, , i.t] = RNN.forward(h.prev[, , i.t], dat$x[idx,], network) if (i.t < time){ h.prev[, , (i.t+1)] =[, , i.t] } } dWHs = matrix(0,nrow=nrow(network$W.h),ncol=ncol(network$W.h)) dWXs = matrix(0,nrow=nrow(network$W.x),ncol=ncol(network$W.x)) dBs = matrix(0,nrow=nrow(network$b),ncol=ncol(network$b)) dWOs = matrix(0,nrow=nrow(W.out),ncol=ncol(W.out)) dBOs = matrix(0,nrow=nrow(b.out),ncol=ncol(b.out)) d.prev = matrix(0,nrow=batch.size,ncol=size.hidden) L = 0 for (i.t in time:1){ idx = idx = seq(i.t, corp.len, time) O = affine.forwd([,,i.t], W.out, b.out) L = L + softmax.forwd(O, dat$y[idx,]) ds = softmax.bckwd(O, dat$y[idx,], 1) dW.o = affine.bckwd([,,i.t], W.out, b.out, ds) dWOs = dWOs + dW.o$dW dBOs = dBOs + dW.o$db RNN.d = RNN.backward(dW.o$dx+d.prev, network, dat$x[idx,],[,,(i.t+1)],h.prev[,,i.t]) #RNN.d = RNN.backward(dW.o$dx, network, dat$x[idx,],[,,i.t],h.prev[,,i.t]) dWHs = dWHs + RNN.d$dW.h dWXs = dWXs + RNN.d$dW.x dBs = dBs + RNN.d$db d.prev = RNN.d$dh.prev } loss[i.rep] = L W.out = W.out - lambda*dWOs b.out = b.out - lambda*dBOs network$W.h - lambda*dWHs network$W.x - lambda*dWXs network$b - lambda*dBs } plot(loss, type='l') for (i.t in 1:time){ idx = idx = seq(i.t, corp.len, time) O = affine.forwd([,,i.t], W.out, b.out) print(softmax.pred(O, dat$y[idx,])) }
院:認知情報解析学演習 ch23 & 24
dat<-read.csv("" ) model = " model { for ( i in 1:Ntotal ) { y[i] ~ dcat( pr[i,1:nYlevels] ) pr[i,1] <- pnorm( thresh[1] , mu , 1/sigma^2 ) for ( k in 2:(nYlevels-1) ) { pr[i,k] <- max( 0 , pnorm( thresh[ k ] , mu , 1/sigma^2 )- pnorm( thresh[k-1] , mu , 1/sigma^2 ) ) } pr[i,nYlevels] <- 1 - pnorm( thresh[nYlevels-1] , mu , 1/sigma^2 ) } mu ~ dnorm( (1+nYlevels)/2 , 1/(nYlevels)^2 ) sigma ~ dunif( nYlevels/1000 , nYlevels*10 ) for ( k in 2:(nYlevels-2) ) { # 1 and nYlevels-1 are fixed, not stochastic thresh[k] ~ dnorm( k+0.5 , 1/2^2 ) } } " writeLines( model , "model.txt" ) y = dat$Y Ntotal = length(y) nYlevels = max(y) thresh = rep(NA,nYlevels-1) thresh[1] = 1 + 0.5 thresh[nYlevels-1] = nYlevels-1 + 0.5 dataList = list(y = y , nYlevels = nYlevels,thresh = thresh, Ntotal = Ntotal) parameters = c( "pr" , "thresh","mu","sigma") jagsModel = jags.model( "model.txt", data=dataList, n.chains=3, n.adapt=500 ) update( jagsModel , n.iter=1000) codaSamples = coda.samples( jagsModel , variable.names=parameters, n.iter=10000, thin=5) mcmcMat<-as.matrix(codaSamples) meanT = rowMeans(cbind(mcmcMat[,"thresh[1]"],mcmcMat[,"thresh[2]"],mcmcMat[,"thresh[3]"],mcmcMat[,"thresh[4]"],mcmcMat[,"thresh[5]"], mcmcMat[,"thresh[6]"])) plot(mcmcMat[,"thresh[1]"],meanT,xlim=c(0.5,7)) points(mcmcMat[,"thresh[2]"],meanT,xlim=c(0.5,7)) points(mcmcMat[,"thresh[3]"],meanT,xlim=c(0.5,7)) points(mcmcMat[,"thresh[4]"],meanT,xlim=c(0.5,7)) points(mcmcMat[,"thresh[5]"],meanT,xlim=c(0.5,7)) points(mcmcMat[,"thresh[6]"],meanT,xlim=c(0.5,7)) HDI.plot(mcmcMat[,"mu"],xlab="mu") HDI.plot(mcmcMat[,"sigma"],xlab="sigma") model2 = " model { for ( i in 1:Ntotal ) { y[i] ~ dcat( pr[i,1:nYlevels] ) pr[i,1] <- pnorm( thresh[1] , mu[x[i]] , 1/sigma[x[i]]^2 ) for ( k in 2:(nYlevels-1) ) { pr[i,k] <- max( 0 , pnorm( thresh[ k ] , mu[x[i]] , 1/sigma[x[i]]^2 ) - pnorm( thresh[k-1] , mu[x[i]] , 1/sigma[x[i]]^2 ) ) } pr[i,nYlevels] <- 1 - pnorm( thresh[nYlevels-1] , mu[x[i]] , 1/sigma[x[i]]^2 ) } for ( j in 1:2 ) { # 2 groups mu[j] ~ dnorm( (1+nYlevels)/2 , 1/(nYlevels)^2 ) sigma[j] ~ dunif( nYlevels/1000 , nYlevels*10 ) } for ( k in 2:(nYlevels-2) ) { # 1 and nYlevels-1 are fixed, not stochastic thresh[k] ~ dnorm( k+0.5 , 1/2^2 ) } } " writeLines( model2 , "model2.txt" ) dat<-read.csv("") y = dat$Y x = as.numeric(dat$X) Ntotal = length(y) nYlevels = max(y) thresh = rep(NA,nYlevels-1) thresh[1] = 1 + 0.5 thresh[nYlevels-1] = nYlevels-1 + 0.5 dataList = list(y = y , x= x ,nYlevels = nYlevels,thresh = thresh, Ntotal = Ntotal) parameters = c( "pr" , "thresh","mu","sigma") jagsModel = jags.model( "model2.txt", data=dataList, n.chains=3, n.adapt=500 ) update( jagsModel , n.iter=1000) codaSamples = coda.samples( jagsModel , variable.names=parameters, n.iter=10000, thin=5) mcmcMat<-as.matrix(codaSamples) HDI.plot(mcmcMat[,"mu[1]"]) HDI.plot(mcmcMat[,"mu[2]"]) HDI.plot(mcmcMat[,"mu[1]"]-mcmcMat[,"mu[2]"]) model3 = " data { xm <- mean(x) xsd <- sd(x) for ( i in 1:Ntotal ) { zx[i] <- ( x[i] - xm ) / xsd } } model { for ( i in 1:Ntotal ) { y[i] ~ dcat( pr[i,1:nYlevels] ) pr[i,1] <- pnorm( thresh[1] , mu[i] , 1/sigma^2 ) for ( k in 2:(nYlevels-1) ) { pr[i,k] <- max( 0 , pnorm( thresh[ k ] , mu[i] , 1/sigma^2 ) - pnorm( thresh[k-1] , mu[i] , 1/sigma^2 ) ) } pr[i,nYlevels] <- 1 - pnorm( thresh[nYlevels-1] , mu[i] , 1/sigma^2 ) mu[i] <- zbeta0 + sum( zbeta * zx[i] ) } # Priors vague on standardized scale: zbeta0 ~ dnorm( (1+nYlevels)/2 , 1/(nYlevels)^2 ) zbeta ~ dnorm( 0 , 1/(nYlevels)^2 ) zsigma ~ dunif( nYlevels/1000 , nYlevels*10 ) # Transform to original scale: beta <- ( zbeta / xsd ) beta0 <- zbeta0 - sum( zbeta * xm / xsd ) sigma <- zsigma for ( k in 2:(nYlevels-2) ) { # 1 and nYlevels-1 are fixed thresh[k] ~ dnorm( k+0.5 , 1/2^2 ) } } " writeLines( model3, con="model3.txt" ) dat<-read.csv("") y = dat$Y x = as.numeric(dat$X) Ntotal = length(y) Nx =1 nYlevels = max(y) thresh = rep(NA,nYlevels-1) thresh[1] = 1 + 0.5 thresh[nYlevels-1] = nYlevels-1 + 0.5 dataList = list(y = y , Nx= 1,x= x ,nYlevels = nYlevels,thresh = thresh, Ntotal = Ntotal) parameters = c("thresh","mu","sigma","beta","beta0") jagsModel = jags.model( "model3.txt", data=dataList, n.chains=3, n.adapt=500 ) update( jagsModel , n.iter=1000) codaSamples = coda.samples( jagsModel , variable.names=parameters, n.iter=10000, thin=5) mcmcMat<-as.matrix(codaSamples) plot(dat$X,dat$Y,pch=20,cex=3) for (i.plot in 1:100){ abline(a=mcmcMat[i.plot,"beta0"],b=mcmcMat[i.plot,"beta"],col="orange",lwd=2) } HDI.plot(mcmcMat[,"beta"]) #plot(1,1,type='n',xlim=c(0,6),ylim=c(0,6)) #abline(a=0,b=1,lwd=2) #x.temp = seq(0,6,length.out=100) #y = dnorm(x.temp,mean=3,sd=1) #lines(x=-y*3+1,y=x.temp) #lines(x=c(-1,3),y=c(3,3)) #lines(x=c(-1,0.5),y=c(0.5,0.5),lty=2,col="red") #lines(x=c(-1,1.5),y=c(1.5,1.5),lty=2,col="red") #lines(x=c(-1,2.5),y=c(2.5,2.5),lty=2,col="red") #lines(x=c(-1,3.5),y=c(3.5,3.5),lty=2,col="red") #lines(x=c(-1,4.5),y=c(4.5,4.5),lty=2,col="red") #lines(x=c(-1,5.5),y=c(5.5,5.5),lty=2,col="red") model4=" model { for ( i in 1:Ncell ) { y[i] ~ dpois( lambda[i] ) lambda[i] <- exp( a0 + a1[x1[i]] + a2[x2[i]] + a1a2[x1[i],x2[i]] ) } a0 ~ dnorm( yLogMean , 1/(yLogSD*2)^2 ) for ( j1 in 1:Nx1Lvl ) { a1[j1] ~ dnorm( 0.0 , 1/a1SD^2 ) } a1SD ~ dgamma(agammaShRa[1],agammaShRa[2]) for ( j2 in 1:Nx2Lvl ) { a2[j2] ~ dnorm( 0.0 , 1/a2SD^2 ) } a2SD ~ dgamma(agammaShRa[1],agammaShRa[2]) for ( j1 in 1:Nx1Lvl ) { for ( j2 in 1:Nx2Lvl ) { a1a2[j1,j2] ~ dnorm( 0.0 , 1/a1a2SD^2 ) } } a1a2SD ~ dgamma(agammaShRa[1],agammaShRa[2]) # Convert a0,a1[],a2[],a1a2[,] to sum-to-zero b0,b1[],b2[],b1b2[,] : for ( j1 in 1:Nx1Lvl ) { for ( j2 in 1:Nx2Lvl ) { m[j1,j2] <- a0 + a1[j1] + a2[j2] + a1a2[j1,j2] # cell means } } b0 <- mean( m[1:Nx1Lvl,1:Nx2Lvl] ) for ( j1 in 1:Nx1Lvl ) { b1[j1] <- mean( m[j1,1:Nx2Lvl] ) - b0 } for ( j2 in 1:Nx2Lvl ) { b2[j2] <- mean( m[1:Nx1Lvl,j2] ) - b0 } for ( j1 in 1:Nx1Lvl ) { for ( j2 in 1:Nx2Lvl ) { b1b2[j1,j2] <- m[j1,j2] - ( b0 + b1[j1] + b2[j2] ) } } # Compute predicted proportions: for ( j1 in 1:Nx1Lvl ) { for ( j2 in 1:Nx2Lvl ) { expm[j1,j2] <- exp(m[j1,j2]) ppx1x2p[j1,j2] <- expm[j1,j2]/sum(expm[1:Nx1Lvl,1:Nx2Lvl]) } } for ( j1 in 1:Nx1Lvl ) { ppx1p[j1] <- sum(ppx1x2p[j1,1:Nx2Lvl]) } for ( j2 in 1:Nx2Lvl ) { ppx2p[j2] <- sum(ppx1x2p[1:Nx1Lvl,j2]) } }" writeLines( model4, con="model4.txt" ) dat = read.csv( file="" ) y=dat$Count x1=dat$Eye x2=dat$Hair x1 = as.numeric(as.factor(x1)) x1levels = levels(as.factor(dat$Eye)) x2 = as.numeric(as.factor(x2)) x2levels = levels(as.factor(dat$Eye)) Nx1Lvl = length(unique(x1)) Nx2Lvl = length(unique(x2)) Ncell = length(y) # number of rows of data, not sum(y) yLogMean = log(sum(y)/(Nx1Lvl*Nx2Lvl)) yLogSD = log(sd(c(rep(0,Ncell-1),sum(y)))) MeanSD2gamma <- function( mean, sd ) { shape = mean^2 / sd^2 rate = mean / sd^2 return(data.frame(shape,rate)) } ModeSD2gamma <- function( mode, sd ) { rate = ( mode + sqrt( mode^2 + 4 * sd^2 ) )/( 2 * sd^2 ) shape = 1 + mode * rate return(data.frame(shape,rate)) } temp=ModeSD2gamma(mode=yLogSD , sd=2*yLogSD) agammaShRa = unlist(temp ) data_list = list( y = y ,x1 = x1 , x2 = x2 , Ncell = Ncell , Nx1Lvl = Nx1Lvl , Nx2Lvl = Nx2Lvl , yLogMean = yLogMean , yLogSD = yLogSD ,agammaShRa = agammaShRa ) jagsModel =jags.model("model4.txt", data = data_list, n.chains = 3, n.adapt = 500) update(jagsModel, 500) codaSamples = coda.samples(jagsModel, variable.names = c("b0", "b1", "b2", "b1b2", "ppx1p", "ppx2p", "ppx1x2p"), n.iter = ((10000*1)/1), n.adapt = 500) mcmcMat<-as.matrix(codaSamples) EyeBlueHairBlack <- mcmcMat[,"ppx1x2p[1,1]"] HDI.plot(EyeBlueHairBlack) EyeBlue_vs_EyeBrown_at_HairBlack <- mcmcMat[,"b1b2[1,1]"] - mcmcMat[,"b1b2[2,1]"] - mcmcMat[,"b1[2]"] + mcmcMat[,"b1[1]"] HDI.plot(EyeBlue_vs_EyeBrown_at_HairBlack) EyeBlue_vs_EyeBrown_at_Blond <- mcmcMat[,"b1b2[1,2]"] - mcmcMat[,"b1b2[2,2]"] - mcmcMat[,"b1[2]"] + mcmcMat[,"b1[2]"] HDI.plot(EyeBlue_vs_EyeBrown_at_Blond) diff <- EyeBlue_vs_EyeBrown_at_HairBlack - EyeBlue_vs_EyeBrown_at_Blond HDI.plot(diff)
# data preparation dat<-read.csv("~/Downloads/DBDA2Eprograms/z15N50.csv") y=dat$y Ntotal=length(dat$y) datalist = list(y=y,Ntotal=Ntotal) # model model.txt = " model { for ( i_data in 1:Ntotal ) { y[ i_data ] ~ dbern( theta ) } theta ~ dbeta( 1, 1 ) } " writeLines(model.txt, "model.txt") # jags library(rjags) jagsModel = jags.model(file="model.txt",data=datalist,n.chains=3,n.adapt=500) update(jagsModel,n.iter=1000) codaSamples=coda.samples(jagsModel,variable.names=c("theta"),n.iter=5000) mcmcMat<-as.matrix(codaSamples) par(mfrow=c(2,2)) cols=c("orange", "skyblue","pink") # chain par(mfrow=c(2,2)) cols=c("orange", "skyblue","pink") mcmc1<-as.mcmc(codaSamples[[1]]) mcmc2<-as.mcmc(codaSamples[[2]]) mcmc3<-as.mcmc(codaSamples[[3]]) plot(as.matrix(mcmc1),type='l',col=cols[1]) lines(as.matrix(mcmc2),col=cols[2]) lines(as.matrix(mcmc3),,col=cols[3]) # autocorrelation ac1=autocorr(mcmc1,lags=0:50) ac2=autocorr(mcmc2,lags=0:50) ac3=autocorr(mcmc3,lags=0:50) plot(ac1, type='o', pch = 20, col = cols[1], ylab = "Autocorrelation", xlab = "Lag") lines(ac2, type='o', pch = 20, col = cols[2]) lines(ac3, type='o', pch = 20, col = cols[3]) # shrink factor resALL=mcmc.list(mcmc1,mcmc2,mcmc3) gd1=gelman.plot(resALL, auto.layout = F) # density den1=density(mcmc1) den2=density(mcmc2) den3=density(mcmc3) plot(den1, type='l', col = cols[1], main = " ", xlab = "param. value",lwd=2.5) lines(den2, col = cols[2], lwd=2.5) lines(den3, col = cols[3], lwd=2.5) par(mfrow=c(1,1))
### model model { for ( i in 1:Ntotal ) { y[i] ~ dnorm( mu , 1/sigma^2 ) } mu ~ dnorm( meanY , 1/(100*sdY)^2 ) sigma ~ dunif( sdY/1000 , sdY*1000 ) } ### dat<-read.csv("~/Downloads/DBDA2Eprograms/TwoGroupIQ.csv") y = dat$Score[dat$Group=="Smart Drug"] Ntotal = length(y) dataList = list(y = y, Ntotal = Ntotal, meanY = mean(y), sdY = sd(y)) dataList = list(y = y, Ntotal = Ntotal, meanY = mean(y), sdY = sd(y)) jagsModel = jags.model("~/research/oka/DBDA/ch16/model_16_1_2.txt", data=dataList, n.chains=3, n.adapt=1000 ) update( jagsModel , n.iter=1000) codaSamples = coda.samples( jagsModel , variable.names=c("mu","sigma"), n.iter=5000, thin=5) mcmcMat<-as.matrix(codaSamples) hist(y,nclass=15,probability = T) x.temp = seq(40,200,0.1) n.plot = 100 randperm = sample(1:nrow(mcmcMat),n.plot) for (i.plot in 1:n.plot){ norm.temp=dnorm(x.temp,mean=mcmcMat[randperm[i.plot],1],sd=mcmcMat[randperm[i.plot],2]) lines(x.temp,norm.temp,col='orange') } ### model 16.2 model { for ( i in 1:Ntotal ) { y[i] ~ dt( mu , 1/sigma^2 , nu ) } mu ~ dnorm( meanY , 1/(100*sdY)^2 ) sigma ~ dunif( sdY/1000 , sdY*1000 ) nu <- nuMinusOne+1 nuMinusOne ~ dexp(1/30.0) } ### hist(y,nclass=20,probability = T) n.plot = 100 randperm = sample(1:nrow(mcmcMat),n.plot) for (i.plot in 1:n.plot){ x.temp1 = seq(40,200,0.1) x.temp2 = (x.temp1 - mcmcMat[randperm[i.plot],1])/mcmcMat[randperm[i.plot],3] t.temp=dt(x.temp2,mcmcMat[randperm[i.plot],2])/mcmcMat[randperm[i.plot],3] lines(x.temp1,t.temp,col='orange') } ### model 16.3 model { for ( i in 1:Ntotal ) { y[i] ~ dt( mu[group[i]] , 1/sigma[group[i]]^2 , nu ) } for (j in 1:Ngroup){ mu[j] ~ dnorm( meanY , 1/(100*sdY)^2 ) sigma[j] ~ dunif( sdY/1000 , sdY*1000 ) } nu <- nuMinusOne+1 nuMinusOne ~ dexp(1/29) } ### dat<-read.csv("~/Downloads/DBDA2Eprograms/TwoGroupIQ.csv") y = dat$Score group = as.numeric(dat$Group) Ntotal = length(y) Ngroup = length(unique(group)) dataList = list(y = y, Ntotal = Ntotal, meanY = mean(y), sdY = sd(y),Ngroup=Ngroup,group=group) jagsModel = jags.model("~/research/oka/DBDA/ch16/model_16_3.txt", data=dataList, n.chains=3, n.adapt=5000 ) update( jagsModel , n.iter=1000) codaSamples = coda.samples( jagsModel , variable.names=c("mu","sigma","nu"), n.iter=5000, thin=5) mcmcMat<-as.matrix(codaSamples)