ES_recomb<-function(G,child) { nParent=nrow(G$b);nChild=nrow(child$b);nVar=ncol(G$b) for (i_child in 1:nChild) { parentID=sample(1:nParent,2) coID=sample(c(0,1),nVar,replace=T) child$b[i_child,]=G$b[parentID[1],] child$b[i_child,which(coID==1)]=G$b[parentID[2],which(coID==1)] child$sigma[i_child,]=0.5*(G$sigma[parentID[1],]+G$sigma[parentID[2],]) } return(child) } ES_mutate<-function(child,tau){ nChild=nrow(child$b);nVar=ncol(child$b) child$sigma<-child$sigma*exp(matrix(rnorm(nChild*nVar)*tau,nrow=nChild)) child$b=child$b+child$sigma*matrix(rnorm(nChild*nVar),nrow=nChild,ncol=nVar) return(child) } ES_er<-function(b,x,y){ yhat<-x%*%b return(sum((y-yhat)^2)) } x=matrix(rnorm(4*50,mean=10,sd=2),ncol=4);x=cbind(rep(1,50),x) y=x%*%c(10,2,5,-3,-5)+rnorm(50,mean=0,sd=2); G=list();child=list(); nGen=1000;nParent=30;nChild=60;tau=1;nVar=5 G$b=matrix(rnorm(nVar*nParent,mean=0,sd=1),ncol=nVar) G$sigma=matrix(runif(nVar*nParent),ncol=nVar)+0.5 child$b=matrix(0,nrow=nChild,ncol=nVar) child$sigma=matrix(0,nrow=nChild,ncol=nVar) optHist=matrix(0,nrow=nGen,ncol=1) for (i_gen in 1:nGen) { child<-ES_recomb(G,child) child<-ES_mutate(child,tau) fitG=apply(G$b,1,ES_er,x,y);fitC=apply(child$b,1,ES_er,x,y) fitT=c(fitG,fitC);fitMin=sort(fitT,index.return=T) tempB=rbind(G$b,child$b);tempS=rbind(G$sigma,child$sigma) G$b=tempB[fitMin$ix[1:nParent],] G$sigma=tempS[fitMin$ix[1:nParent],] optHist[i_gen]=fitMin$x[1] } > head(G$b) [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [1,] 8.597338 2.118279 5.081328 -2.982018 -5.062286 [2,] 8.597347 2.118279 5.081328 -2.982018 -5.062286 [3,] 8.597336 2.118280 5.081328 -2.982018 -5.062286 [4,] 8.597333 2.118280 5.081328 -2.982018 -5.062286 [5,] 8.597343 2.118280 5.081328 -2.982018 -5.062286 [6,] 8.597336 2.118280 5.081328 -2.982018 -5.062287 > summary(lm(y~x[,2:5])) Call: lm(formula = y ~ x[, 2:5]) Residuals: Min 1Q Median 3Q Max -4.1866 -1.7043 0.3254 1.3890 4.1851 Coefficients: Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|) (Intercept) 8.5973 3.9641 2.169 0.0354 * x[, 2:5]1 2.1183 0.2235 9.476 2.73e-12 *** x[, 2:5]2 5.0813 0.2077 24.464 < 2e-16 *** x[, 2:5]3 -2.9820 0.1606 -18.566 < 2e-16 *** x[, 2:5]4 -5.0623 0.2120 -23.874 < 2e-16 *** --- Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1 Residual standard error: 2.342 on 45 degrees of freedom Multiple R-squared: 0.9737, Adjusted R-squared: 0.9713 F-statistic: 415.7 on 4 and 45 DF, p-value: < 2.2e-16
Monthly Archives: July 2015
Traveling Sales Man Problem
# route inversion TSP_inv<-function(route,len) { len_route=length(route) invP=sample(1:len_route,1) route[invP:min(len_route,(invP+len-1))] =rev(route[invP:min(len_route,(invP+len-1))]) return(route) } > TSP_inv(1:10,4) [1] 1 2 3 4 5 9 8 7 6 10 # route switching TSP_switch<-function(route){ len_route=length(route) switchP=sample(1:len_route,2) route[switchP]=route[rev(switchP)] return(route) } > TSP_switch(1:10) [1] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 10 9 8 # route translation TSP_trans<-function(route){ len_route=length(route) transP=sample(1:len_route,2); tempR=route[-transP[1]] if (transP[2]==1){ tempR=c(route[transP[1]],tempR) } else if (transP[2]==len_route) { tempR=c(tempR,route[transP[1]]) } else { tempR=c(tempR[1:(transP[2]-1)],route[transP[1]],tempR[(transP[2]): (len_route-1)]) } return(tempR) } > TSP_trans(1:10) [1] 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 2 10 # initialize cities' locations FUN_initTSP<-function(n_city=10) { return(matrix(runif(n_city*2,1,100),nrow=n_city,ncol=2)) } > print(loc<-FUN_initTSP(10)) [,1] [,2] [1,] 36.78996 40.33464 [2,] 91.67296 97.33156 [3,] 87.15730 58.82665 [4,] 56.19289 44.84425 [5,] 46.06971 43.22932 [6,] 50.91508 30.14634 [7,] 84.18521 56.17124 [8,] 77.68784 43.77393 [9,] 42.48220 11.74252 [10,] 12.99097 21.11037 # calc. total distance FUN_costTSP<-function(route,cities) { route=c(route,route[1]);n_cities=nrow(cities);totDist=0; for (i_cities in 1:n_cities) { totDist=totDist+dist(cities[route[i_cities:(i_cities+1)],]) } return(totDist) } > FUN_costTSP(1:10,loc) 1 2 341.4417 # TSP demo TSP_demo<-function(n_city=20, maxItr=1000) { loc=FUN_initTSP(n_city);route=1:n_city ## param. for simulated annealing - change values if necessary C=1;eta=0.99;TEMP=50; ## optDist=FUN_costTSP(route,loc) optHist=matrix(0,nrow=maxItr,ncol=(length(route)+1)) optHist[1,]=c(route,optDist) for (i_loop in 2:maxItr) { rand.op=sample(c('inv','sw','trans'),1,prob=c(0.75,0.125,0.125)) if (rand.op=='inv') { new.route=TSP_inv(route,sample(2:n_city,1)) } else if (rand.op=='sw') { new.route=TSP_switch(route) } else { new.route=TSP_trans(route)} new.dist=FUN_costTSP(new.route,loc) delta=new.dist-optDist prob=1/(1+exp(delta/(C*TEMP))) if (runif(1) < prob) { route=new.route;optDist=new.dist; } optHist[i_loop,]=c(route,optDist); TEMP=TEMP*eta } par(mfrow=c(1,2)) plot(rbind(loc,loc[1,]),type='o',pch=20,cex=2.5, col='red', xlab='location @X',ylab='location @Y',main='Initial route') plot(loc[optHist[1000,c(1:n_city,1)],],type='o',pch=20, col='magenta', cex=2.5,xlab='location @X',ylab='location @Y',main='Optimized route') return(optHist) }
# 古いのバージョン # initializing cities FUN_initTSP<-function(n_city=10) { return(matrix(runif(n_city*2,1,100),nrow=n_city,ncol=2)) } # calculating total (Euclidean) distance FUN_costTSP<-function(route,cities) { route=c(route,route[1]);n_cities=nrow(cities);totDist=0; for (i_cities in 1:n_cities) { totDist=totDist+dist(cities[route[i_cities:(i_cities+1)],]) } return(totDist) } # route inversion TSP_inv<-function(route,len) { len_route=length(route) invP=sample(1:len_route,1) route[invP:min(len_route,(invP+len-1))]=rev(route[invP:min(len_route,(invP+len-1))]) return(route) } # route switching TSP_switch<-function(route){ len_route=length(route) switchP=sample(1:len_route,2) route[switchP]=route[rev(switchP)] return(route) } # route translation / insertion TSP_trans<-function(route){ len_route=length(route) transP=sample(1:len_route,2); tempR=route[-transP[1]] if (transP[2]==1){ tempR=c(route[transP[1]],tempR) } else if (transP[2]==len_route) { tempR=c(tempR,route[transP[1]]) } else { tempR=c(tempR[1:(transP[2]-1)],route[transP[1]],tempR[(transP[2]):(len_route-1)]) } return(tempR) } ## main TSP script ### n_city=20;loc=FUN_initTSP(n_city);route=1:n_city maxItr=5000;C=1;eta=0.99;TEMP=20; optDist=FUN_costTSP(route,loc) optHist=matrix(0,nrow=maxItr,ncol=(length(route)+1)) optHist[1,]=c(route,optDist) for (i_loop in 2:maxItr) { rand.op=sample(c('inv','sw','trans'),1,prob=c(0.75,0.125,0.125)) if (rand.op=='inv') { new.route=TSP_inv(route,sample(2:n_city,1)) } else if (rand.op=='sw') { new.route=TSP_switch(route) } else { new.route=TSP_trans(route)} new.dist=FUN_costTSP(new.route,loc) delta=new.dist-optDist prob=1/(1+exp(delta/(C*TEMP))) if (runif(1) < prob) { route=new.route;optDist=new.dist; } optHist[i_loop,]=c(route,optDist); TEMP=TEMP*eta } par(mfrow=c(1,2)) plot(rbind(loc,loc[1,]),type='b',pch=20,cex=2, xlab='location @X',ylab='location @Y',main='Initial route') plot(loc[optHist[1000,c(1:n_city,1)],],type='b',pch=20, cex=2,xlab='location @X',ylab='location @Y',main='Optimized route') ## DEMO function ### TSP_demo<-function(n_city=20, maxItr=1000) { loc=FUN_initTSP(n_city);route=1:n_city ## param. for simulated annealing - change values if necessary C=1;eta=0.99;TEMP=20; ## optDist=FUN_costTSP(route,loc) optHist=matrix(0,nrow=maxItr,ncol=(length(route)+1)) optHist[1,]=c(route,optDist) for (i_loop in 2:maxItr) { rand.op=sample(c('inv','sw','trans'),1,prob=c(0.75,0.125,0.125)) if (rand.op=='inv') { new.route=TSP_inv(route,sample(2:n_city,1)) } else if (rand.op=='sw') { new.route=TSP_switch(route) } else { new.route=TSP_trans(route)} new.dist=FUN_costTSP(new.route,loc) delta=new.dist-optDist prob=1/(1+exp(delta/(C*TEMP))) if (runif(1) < prob) { route=new.route;optDist=new.dist; } optHist[i_loop,]=c(route,optDist); TEMP=TEMP*eta } par(mfrow=c(1,2)) plot(rbind(loc,loc[1,]),type='o',pch=20,cex=2.5, col='red', xlab='location @X',ylab='location @Y',main='Initial route') plot(loc[optHist[1000,c(1:n_city,1)],],type='o',pch=20, col='magenta', cex=2.5,xlab='location @X',ylab='location @Y',main='Optimized route') return(optHist) }
# 勾配法 tol=0.0001;grad=100; x=10;hist.x=x;lambda=0.1; while(grad>tol) { grad=(2*x+2) x=x-lambda*grad hist.x=c(hist.x,x) } par(mfrow=c(1,2)); xs=seq(-10,10,0.1) plot(xs,xs^2+2*xs+1) plot(hist.x) # naive stochastic optimization sx=10; for (i_loop in 1:100){ sx.temp=sx+rnorm(1); if ((sx.temp^2+2*sx.temp+1)<(sx^2+2*sx+1)){ sx=sx.temp },sx) } # simulated annealing x=10;maxIt=1000; c=1;s=1;temp=1;eta=0.99; hist.x=matrix(0,nrow=maxIt); for (i_loop in 1:maxIt) {,mean=0,sd=temp*s) E.old=x^2+2*x+1;^2+2*; Paccept=1/(1+exp((*temp))) if (Paccept>runif(1)){} temp=temp*eta; hist.x[i_loop]=x; }
○: 近隣に2人以下○の場合、
♯: 近隣の1/3以上が♯でない場合、
# 1 epochの内、数回移動する可能性のある場合 FUNmigration<-function(field_size=6, Nsharp=10, Ncircle=10) { Nempty=(field_size^2-Nsharp-Ncircle) society<-matrix(sample(c(rep(0,Nempty),rep(1,Ncircle),rep(2,Nsharp))),ncol=field_size) # plotting initial config. par(mfrow=c(1,2)) idx1<-which(society==1,arr.ind=T);idx2<-which(society==2,arr.ind=T) plot(idx1[,1],idx1[,2],type="n",xlim=c(0.5,field_size+0.5), ylim=c(0.5,field_size+0.5),main="Initial Arrangement", xlab="location @ x", ylab="location @ y") text(idx1[,1],idx1[,2],"o",cex=4,col="red");text(idx2[,1],idx2[,2],"#",cex=4,col="blue") # main moved=1;counter=0 while (moved>0&counter<1000) { counter=counter+1;moved=0 for (i_row in 1:field_size) { for (i_col in 1:field_size) { # checking sharps if (society[i_row,i_col]==2) { neR_IDX=max((i_row-1),1):min((i_row+1),field_size); neC_IDX=max((i_col-1),1):min((i_col+1),field_size); n_sharp=sum(society[neR_IDX,neC_IDX]==2)-1; n_circle=sum(society[neR_IDX,neC_IDX]==1); if (n_sharp+n_circle==0 | n_sharp/(n_sharp+n_circle) < (1/3)) { moved=moved+1; loc_mov=sample(which(society==0),1) society[i_row,i_col]=0 society[loc_mov]=2 } } # checking circles if (society[i_row,i_col]==1) { neR_IDX=max((i_row-1),1):min((i_row+1),field_size); neC_IDX=max((i_col-1),1):min((i_col+1),field_size); n_circle=sum(society[neR_IDX,neC_IDX]==1)-1; if (n_circle < 3) { moved=moved+1; loc_mov=sample(which(society==0),1) society[i_row,i_col]=0 society[loc_mov]=1 } } } } } # plotting final config. idx1<-which(society==1,arr.ind=T) idx2<-which(society==2,arr.ind=T) plot(idx1[,1],idx1[,2],type="n",xlim=c(0.5,field_size+0.5),ylim=c(0.5,field_size+0.5), main="Arragement After Migration",,xlab="location @ x", ylab="location @ y") text(idx1[,1],idx1[,2],"o",cex=4,col="red") text(idx2[,1],idx2[,2],"#",cex=4,col="blue") }
# 1 epochの内、1度のみ移動する場合 FUNmigration <- function(soc.size = 6, = 10, = 10) { r.sample = sample(soc.size ^ 2) society = matrix(0, soc.size, soc.size) society[r.sample[]] = 1 society[r.sample[( + 1):( +]] = 2 # plotting initial config. par(mfrow = c(1, 2)) idx1 <- which(society == 1, arr.ind = T) idx2 <- which(society == 2, arr.ind = T) plot(idx1[, 1], idx1[, 2], type = "n", xlim = c(0.5, soc.size + 0.5), ylim = c(0.5, soc.size + 0.5), main = "Initial Arrangement", xlab = "location @ x", ylab = "location @ y") text(idx1[, 1], idx1[, 2], "o", cex = 3, col = "red") text(idx2[, 1], idx2[, 2], "#", cex = 3, col = "blue") move = 1 while (move != 0 ) { # circles move = 0 c.pos = which(society == 1, arr.ind = T) for (i.c in { r.idx = c(max(1, c.pos[i.c, 1] - 1), min(soc.size, c.pos[i.c, 1] + 1)) c.idx = c(max(1, c.pos[i.c, 2] - 1), min(soc.size, c.pos[i.c, 2] + 1)) neighber = society[r.idx[1]:r.idx[2], c.idx[1]:c.idx[2]] neighber.c = sum(neighber == 1) - 1 if (neighber.c < 3) { move = 1 move.idx = which(society == 0) society[sample(move.idx, 1)] = 1 society[c.pos[i.c, 1], c.pos[i.c, 2]] = 0 } } # sharps s.pos = which(society == 2, arr.ind = T) for (i.s in { r.idx = c(max(1, s.pos[i.s, 1] - 1), min(soc.size, s.pos[i.s, 1] + 1)) c.idx = c(max(1, s.pos[i.s, 2] - 1), min(soc.size, s.pos[i.s, 2] + 1)) neighbor = society[r.idx[1]:r.idx[2], c.idx[1]:c.idx[2]] neighbor.s = sum(neighbor == 2) - 1 neighbor.all = sum(neighbor != 0) - 1 prop.s = max(0, neighbor.s / neighbor.all, na.rm = T) if (prop.s < 1 / 3) { move = 1 move.idx = which(society == 0) society[sample(move.idx, 1)] = 2 society[s.pos[i.s, 1], s.pos[i.s, 2]] = 0 } } } idx1 <- which(society == 1, arr.ind = T) idx2 <- which(society == 2, arr.ind = T) plot(idx1[, 1], idx1[, 2], type = "n", xlim = c(0.5, soc.size + 0.5), ylim = c(0.5, soc.size + 0.5), main = "Arragement After Migration", xlab = "location @ x", ylab = "location @ y") text(idx1[, 1], idx1[, 2], "o", cex = 3, col = "red") text(idx2[, 1], idx2[, 2], "#", cex = 3, col = "blue") }