dat<-read.table("http://www.matsuka.info/data_folder/aov01.txt",header=T) head(dat) summary(dat) boxplot(dat$shoesize, col = "skyblue", main = "Dist. of Shoesize", ylab = "Size of shoe (in cm)") boxplot(dat$h, col = "coral", main = "Dist. of Height", ylab = "Height (in cm)") dat.meter = dat[,1:2]*0.01 dat.h.ext5 = dat$h+5 dat.ss.ext1 = dat$shoesize+1 hANDshoe = dat$h+dat$shoesize dat.h.meter.ext5 = dat$h*0.01+0.05
Monthly Archives: April 2017
ch03 neural networks
step.func <- function(x){ return(as.numeric(x > 0)) } x = seq(-5, 5, 0.1) y = step.func(x) plot(x,y, ylab = 'y', xlab = 'a', type ="l", lwd =2) sigmoid.func <- function(x){ return(1/(1+exp(-x))) } y = sigmoid.func(x) plot(x,y, ylab = 'y', xlab = 'a', type ="l", lwd =2) y.step = step.func(x) y.sigm = sigmoid.func(x) plot(x,y.step, ylab = 'y', xlab = 'a', type ="l", lwd =2) lines(x,y.sigm, lwd =2, lty = 2) relu.func <- function(x){ return(pmax(0,x)) } y.relu = relu.func(x) plot(x,y.relu, ylab = 'y', xlab = 'a', type ="l", lwd =2) A = matrix(1:4, nrow = 2, byrow = T) B = matrix(5:8, nrow = 2, byrow = T) A = matrix(1:6, nrow = 3, byrow = T) B = matrix(7:8, nrow = 2, byrow = T) x = c(1,0.5) W1 = matrix((1:6)*0.1, nrow = 2) B1 = (1:3)*0.1 A1 = x%*%W1 + B1 Z1 = sigmoid.func(A1) W2 = matrix((1:6)*0.1, nrow = 3) B2 = c(0.1, 0.2) A2 = Z1%*%W2 + B2 Z2 = sigmoid.func(A2) W3 = matrix((1:4)*0.1, nrow = 2) B3 = c(0.1, 0.2) A3 = Z2%*%W3+ B3 Z3 = A3 # function to initialize 3L network init.3L.network <- function(){ W1 = matrix((1:6)*0.1, nrow = 2) B1 = (1:3)*0.1 W2 = matrix((1:6)*0.1, nrow = 3) B2 = c(0.1, 0.2) W3 = matrix((1:4)*0.1, nrow = 2) B3 = c(0.1, 0.2) return(list(W1 = W1, B1 = B1, W2 = W2, B2 = B2, W3 = W3, B3 = B3)) } # feedforward process forward.3L <- function(network, x){ A1 = x%*%network$W1 + network$B1 Z1 = sigmoid.func(A1) A2 = Z1%*%network$W2 + network$B2 Z2 = sigmoid.func(A2) A3 = Z2%*%network$W3 + network$B3 Z3 = sigmoid.func(A3) A3 = Z3 return(A3) } network<-init.3L.network() y = forward.3L(network, c(1, 0.5)) a = c(1010,1000,990) exp(a)/sum(exp(a)) softmax.func <- function(x){ max.x = max(x) return(exp(x-max.x)/sum(exp(x-max.x))) } train <- read.csv('http://peach.l.chiba-u.ac.jp/course_folder/MNSTtrain.csv', header=TRUE) train <- data.matrix(train) train.x <- train[,-1] train.y <- train[,1] train.x <- t(train.x/255) download.file("http://peach.l.chiba-u.ac.jp/course_folder/trNetwork.Rdata", "trNetwork.Rdata") load("trNetwork.Rdata") network=trNetwork n.train = ncol(train.x) correct.cl = 0 conf.matrix = matrix(0,10,10) for (i.loop in 1:n.train){ y = forward.3L(network,train.x[,i.loop]) max.y = max.col(y) conf.matrix[max.y, (train.y[i.loop]+1)] = conf.matrix[max.y, (train.y[i.loop]+1)] + 1 } accuracy = sum(diag(conf.matrix))/n.train # batch batch_size = 200 conf.matrix = matrix(0,10,10) for (i.batch in seq(1,n.train, batch_size)){ y = forward.3L(network, train.x[,(i.batch:(i.batch+batch_size-1))]) pred = max.col(y) conf.matrix = conf.matrix+table(pred, (train.y[i.batch:(i.batch+batch_size-1)]+1)) } accuracy = sum(diag(conf.matrix))/n.train
データ解析基礎論A グラフの基礎
データ解析基礎論A 第2週 グラフの基礎
# descriptive statistics dat<-read.table("http://www.matsuka.info/data_folder/aov01.txt",header=T) summary(dat) mean(dat$shoesize) var(dat[,1:2]) cov(dat[,1:2]) cor(dat[,1:2]) # basics - plotting x=seq(-3,3,0.1);y=x^2; plot(x,y) plot(x,y,col='red') plot(x,y,pch=20) plot(x,y,type='l') plot(x,y,type='l',lty=4,lwd=3) plot(x,y,main="THIS IS THE TITLE", xlab="Label for X-axis",ylab="Label for Y-axis") plot(x,y,main="TITLE", xlab="X here",ylab="Y here",xlim=c(-3.5,3.5),ylim=c(-0.5, 10)) plot(x,y,col='blue',type='o',lty=2,pch=19,lwd=3,main="Y=X*X", xlab="X",ylab="X*X", xlim=c(-3.5,3.5),ylim=c(-0.5, 10)) # histogram dat<-read.table("http://www.matsuka.info/data_folder/aov01.txt",header=T) hist(dat$h,main="Histogram of Height",xlab="Height",col='blue',xlim=c(140,190)) dens<-density(dat$h); hist(dat$h,main="Histogram of Height",xlab="Height",xlim=c(140,190),probability=T) lines(dens,lwd=2,col='red',lty=2) # boxplot boxplot(dat$h,main="Boxplot of Height",ylab="Height",col='cyan',ylim=c(140,190)) boxplot(dat$h~dat$gender,main="Distribution of Height by Gender",ylab="Gender", xlab="Height",col=c('blue','cyan'),ylim=c(140,190),horizontal=T) boxplot(dat$h~dat$gender+dat$affil, main="Distribution of Height by Gender and Affiliation", ylab="Gender x Affiliation", xlab="Height", col=c('blue','cyan','red','magenta'), ylim=c(140,190),horizontal=T) # barplot install.packages("gplots") library(gplots) means <- tapply(dat$h, dat$gender, mean) sds<-tapply(dat$h,dat$gender,sd) ns<-tapply(dat$h,dat$gender,length) sems = sds/sqrt(ns) barplot2(means, plot.ci=T, ci.l = means - sems, ci.u = means + sems, ylim = c(140,180), names.arg = c("Female","Male"), xpd = F, ylab = "height", xlab = "gender") # another barplot means <- tapply(dat$h,list(dat$gender,dat$affil),mean) sds <- tapply(dat$h,list(dat$gender,dat$affil),sd) ns <- tapply(dat$h,list(dat$gender,dat$affil),length) sem = sds/sqrt(ns) barplot2(means[1:4], plot.ci=T, ci.l=means[1:4]-sem[1:4], ci.u=means[1:4] + sem[1:4], ylim=c(150,175), names.arg=c("Female,CS","Male,CS","Female,PSY","Male,PSY"), xpd=F,ylab="height",xlab="gender & affiliation") # histogram again par(mfrow=c(1,2)) hist(dat[dat$gender=='F',]$h,main="Dist. of Height for Female Participants", xlab="Height",xlim=c(140,190),probability=T) dens.F=density(dat[dat$gender=='F',]$h);lines(dens.F,col='blue',lwd=2) hist(dat[dat$gender=='M',]$h,main="Dist. of Height for Male Participants", xlab="Height",xlim=c(140,190),probability=T,ylim=c(0,0.08)) dens.M=density(dat[dat$gender=='M',]$h);lines(dens.M,col='green',lwd=2) par(mfrow=c(2,1)) par(mfrow=c(1,1)) plot(dens.F,col='blue',lwd=2,main="Dist. of Height by gender",xlab='Height', ylab='density',xlim=c(140,190)) lines(dens.M,col='green',lwd=2) legend("topleft", c('Female','Male'),col=c('blue','green'),cex=1.5,lwd=2) # inserting text text(157.5,0.04,'Female',col='blue',cex=2) text(170,0.04,'Male',col='green',cex=2) # scatterplot plot(dat$shoesize,dat$h,main="Relationship b/w shoesize and height",xlab='shoe size', ylab='height',pch=19,col='red') text(22,175,paste("r =",substr(cor(dat$shoesize,dat$h),1,5)),cex=1.5) abline(h=mean(dat$h),col='blue'); abline(v=mean(dat$shoesize),col='green'); text(21.5,165,'mean height',col='blue') text(25.7,145,'mean shoesize',col='green') abline(lm(dat$h~dat$shoesize),lty=2,lwd=2) plot(dat[dat$gender=='F',]$shoesize,dat[dat$gender=='F',]$h, main="Relationship b/w shoesize and height",xlab='shoesize',ylab='height', cex.lab=1.5,pch=19,col='blue',xlim=c(20,29),ylim=c(140,190)) lines(dat[dat$gender=='M',]$shoesize,dat[dat$gender=='M',]$h,type='p',pch=15,col='green') legend("topleft", c('Female','Male'), pch =c(19,15),col=c('blue','green'),cex=1.5) dat.reg<-read.csv("http://www.matsuka.info/data_folder/tdkReg01.csv", header=T) plot(dat.reg,pch=20,col=c('blue')) dat.pca<-read.table("http://www.matsuka.info/data_folder/tdkPCA01.txt",header=T) # intro to central limit theorem ckCLT=function(n_rep,n_sample){ dat<-matrix(rnorm(n_rep*n_sample),nrow=n_rep,ncol=n_sample); means<-rowMeans(dat)} n_rep=10^6 n5=ckCLT(n_rep,5) hist(n5,main="Dist. of sample meanx",xlab="sample mean",xlim=c(-3,3),probability=T) den5=density(n5);lines(den5,col='blue',lwd=2) n10=ckCLT(n_rep,10) n25=ckCLT(n_rep,25) n100=ckCLT(n_rep,100) plot(den5,col='blue',lwd=2,,main="Dist. of sample meanx",xlab="sample mean", xlim=c(-2,2),ylim=c(0,4)) den10=density(n10);lines(den10,col='red',lwd=2) den25=density(n25);lines(den25,col='black',lwd=2) den100=density(n100);lines(den100,col='green',lwd=2) legend("topleft", c('N=5','N=10','N=25','N=100'),col=c('blue','red','black','green'), cex=1.5,lwd=2)
データ解析基礎論a WAA01
データ解析基礎論A Weekly Assignment WAA01
提出期限:2017.04.18 4限開始まで
提出物: Rのコマンドとその出力
> dat id gender score 1 M 73 2 M 64 3 M 78 4 F 74 5 F 84 6 F 78
gender == “M” や gender == “F” などを用いて、上記のデータ男性と女性のscoreの平均値を求めてください。
解答例 WAA01.1 例1 dat<-data.frame(id = 1:6, gender = c(rep("M",3),rep("F",3)), score = c(73,64,78,74,84,78)) 例2 id = 1:6 gender = c(rep("M",3),rep("F",3)) score = c(73,64,78,74,84,78) dat2 <- data.frame(id = id, gender = gender, score = score) WAA01.2 例1 mean(dat$score[which(dat$gender=="M")]) mean(dat$score[which(dat$gender=="F")]) 例2 dat.male = dat[which(dat$gender=="M"),] mean(dat.male$score) dat.female = dat[which(dat$gender=="F"),] mean(dat.female$score) WAA01.3 例1 dat3 <- read.csv("http://peach.l.chiba-u.ac.jp/course_folder/waa01.csv") head(dat3) which(dat3[which(dat3$gender == "M"),]$score == 100) which(dat3[which(dat3$gender == "F"),]$score == 100) 例2 dat3.male = dat3[which(dat3$gender == "M"), ] dat3.female = dat3[which(dat3$gender == "F"), ] dat3.male$id[which(dat3.male$score == 100)] dat3.female$id[which(dat3.female$score == 100)]
認知情報解析 2017 – Ch 02
Chapter 2: Perceptron
# with THRESHOLD (theta) AND.gate <- function(x1, x2){ w1 = 0.5 w2 = 0.5 theta = 0.7 y.temp = w1*x1 + w2*x2 if (y.temp <= theta){ y = 0 } else { y = 1 } return(y) } AND.gate <- function(x1, x2){ w1 = 0.5; w2 = 0.5; theta = 0.7 return(as.numeric(w1*x1 + w2*x2 > theta)) } NAND.gate <- function(x1, x2){ w1 = -0.5; w2 = -0.5; theta = -0.7 return(as.numeric(w1*x1 + w2*x2 > theta)) } OR.gate <- function(x1, x2){ w1 = 0.5; w2 = 0.5; theta = 0.3 return(as.numeric(w1*x1 + w2*x2 > theta)) } # with BIAS (b) AND.gate <- function(x1, x2){ w1 = 0.5 w2 = 0.5 b = -0.7 y.temp = w1*x1 + w2*x2 + b if (y.temp <= 0){ y = 0 } else { y = 1 } return(y) } AND.gate <- function(x1, x2){ w1 = 0.5; w2 = 0.5; b = -0.7 return(as.numeric(w1*x1 + w2*x2 + b > 0)) } NAND.gate <- function(x1, x2){ w1 = -0.5; w2 = -0.5; b = 0.7 return(as.numeric(w1*x1 + w2*x2 + b > 0)) } OR.gate <- function(x1, x2){ w1 = 0.5; w2 = 0.5; b = -0.3 return(as.numeric(w1*x1 + w2*x2 + b > 0)) } NOR.gate <- function(x1, x2){ w1 = -0.5; w2 = -0.5; b = 0.3 return(as.numeric(w1*x1 + w2*x2 + b > 0)) } plot.logic <- function(logic.oper){ x1 = c(0,0,1,1); x2 = c(0,1,0,1); if (logic.oper == "and") { w1 = 0.5; w2 = 0.5; theta = 0.7; true.point = AND.gate(x1,x2) } else if (logic.oper == "or") { w1 = 0.5; w2 = 0.5; theta = 0.3; true.point = OR.gate(x1,x2) } else if (logic.oper == "nand") { w1 = -0.5; w2 = -0.5; theta = -0.7; true.point = NAND.gate(x1,x2) } else if (logic.oper == "nor"){ w1 = -0.5; w2 = -0.5; theta = -0.3; true.point = NOR.gate(x1,x2) } else {warning("incompatible operator");stop() } plot(c(0,0,1,1),c(0,1,0,1),xlim = c(-0.5, 1.5), ylim = c(-0.5, 1.5), pch = 20, cex= 2, col = true.point+1) abline(a = theta/w1, b = -w1/w2, lwd = 3) } XOR.gate <- function(x1, x2){ gate1 <- NAND.gate(x1,x2) gate2 <- OR.gate(x1,x2) y <- AND.gate(gate1,gate2) return(y) } plot.XOR <- function(){ x1 = c(0,0,1,1); x2 = c(0,1,0,1); w11 = -0.5; w21 = -0.5; theta1 = -0.7 w12 = 0.5; w22 = 0.5; theta2 = 0.3 true.point = XOR.gate(x1, x2) plot(c(0,0,1,1),c(0,1,0,1),xlim = c(-0.5, 1.5), ylim = c(-0.5, 1.5), pch = 20, cex= 2, col = true.point+1) abline(a = theta1/w11, b = -w11/w21, lwd = 3) abline(a = theta2/w12, b = -w12/w22, lwd = 3) }
データ解析基礎論a 2017 W01
データ解析基礎論a 2017 W01で使用するコードなど
data01<-data.frame(score = c(2,4,3,4), dose = c(rep(10,2),rep(100,2)), condition = rep(c('exp','control'),2)) dat01<-read.csv("http://www.matsuka.info/data_folder/temp_data01.txt", header=T) dat02<-read.csv("http://www.matsuka.info/data_folder/temp_data02.txt", header=T, row.name=1) dat03<-read.table("http://www.matsuka.info/data_folder/temp_data03.txt", header=T, row.name=4) dat04<-data.frame(score=c(dat03$x,dat03$y,dat03$z), names=rep(c('sazae','masuo','tarachan'),3), condition=sort(rep(c("x","y","z"),3))) dat<-read.csv("http://www.matsuka.info/data_folder/datWA01.txt", header=T); mean(dat$shoesize[dat$gender == "M"]) mean(dat$shoesize[dat$gender == "F"]) mean(dat$shoesize[dat$h > 180])